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A huge factor for the boom in America was hire purchase. Hire purchase is whereby you put a deposit on an item and pay instalments on it. These instalments are payed back with interest. This means that you are in essence paying more for the item than it is actually worth.

One reason why it caused the economy to boom was because it was easy to access for people who weren't mega rich. Because it made items more accessible to people they bought more, therefore supporting industries in America such as the car industry. This meant that the industries had a lot more income so could afford to grow. Because of this growth it caused them to need more jobs. Inevitably jobs such as these caused people to spend more, which therefore brought more money into other industries. This caused the same process to revolve, leading to a boom in the USA. Because of this, profits rose by 80% and wages by 8%.

Hire purchase lead to an increase in demand. This called for a new method of production that was faster and more efficient. The process that was first invented by Henry Ford was called the assembly line. This made products cheaper and meant they could be produced faster. Because the products were cheaper ordinary people could afford items such as cars and fridges and were using hire purchase to pay for them. In 1908 a car was worth $850 and by 1925 was worth $250. People began to feel pressured into buying items and to use hire purchase to pay for them as products such as the car came to represent the American dream. Because there were more cars due to hire purchase the cars needed fuel to run. This brought in yet more income for the USA. Linked to this people needed to be employed to build roads in which the cars could run on. This therefore caused more people to be employed in the building of roads so more people spent money and thus the cycle continued.

Not only was hire purchase used to pay for products that ordinary people could only afford but credit was also used. This helped reinforce the 'buy now pay later' approach that many americans had, thus causing the process to continue. All this helped cause the boom in america.

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