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Roosevelt's platform was on change to help ALL Americans.

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They were (obviously) different people. They also did different things and lived during different periods of time.

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Q: How did hoover and Roosevelt differ?
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How did Roosevelt's philosophy differ from Hoover's?


How did Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt differ in their opinions about how to handle the Great Depression?

Hoover took a hands-off approach, and Roosevelt did the opposite.

How did Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt personalities and philosophies differ?

One famous example was that when there was a protest at the national mall, Hoover sent the army to break it up but Roosevelt sent his wife.

How did Roosevelt's philosophies differ from Herbert Hoover?

roosevelt wanted to help the comunity with the new deal. hoover thought the community would get better on it's own. roosevelt wanted the government to help. oover thought the government should have no part

How did Hoover's and Roosevelt's personalities and styles of leadership differ?

Although he was active in politics his whole life, Hoover avoided the public eye as much as possible. Meanwhile, Roosevelt cultivated a friendly image through frequent radio addresses to the people.

Who was first as president Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt?

Hoover was president immediately before Franklin Roosevelt.

Were Herbert Hoover Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman Republicans?

Hoover was Republican; Roosevelt and Truman were Democrats.

Who preceded Roosevelt?

Herbert Hoover preceded Franklin Roosevelt.

How did hoover and FDR differ on their views on the role of the president?

Hoover felt constrained by the limits of the constitution on the powers of the federal government. Roosevelt felt no such restrictions and was willing to try anything that he thought might improve the economy and win him votes.

Preceded Franklin D. Roosevelt?


Was it true that president Hoover was reelected in 1932?

No- Hoover lost badly to Franklin Roosevelt in 1932.

Compare and contrast the Roosevelt administration and the hoover administration?

roosevelt had a teddy bear named after him so it refers to roosevelt.