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By whipping d-i-c-k-s that didn't listen to what the v-a-i s-gi-ana said and by making him as rich as possible.

and also he was powerful enought to make his world end so he would kiss

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How did local governors help the pharaoh to rule all of Egypt?

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How did governors help the pharaoh to rule all of Egypt?

by beating the ones who didn't work.yo im tell'n u he beat dat azz

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It was the other way round. Octavian defeated Marc Antony and his ally, Cleopatra VII, pharaoh of Egypt.

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Governors help by paying the overall bills for school

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Menes was an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who is credited with uniting upper and lower Egypt. King Menes also started the first Dynasty.

Why the citizens of Egypt help build the pyramid?

They helped because the Pharaoh wanted a pyramid built and he wanted the citizens to help build it so would get done faster! Actually, they were forced to help.

How did the Book of the Dead help centralize power in Egyptian society?

It promoted the belief in the afterlife and in the gods of ancient Egypt; central to that faith were the priests of the gods and the pharaoh.

Describe the monarchic system of ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh, or king, had absolute power and was even considered a god. Since he couldn't look over all of Egypt by himself, he appointed viziers to help him look over the country and collect taxes. He also divided the country into nomes and appointed nomarchs to govern the small nomes. However, the Pharaoh had absolute control over Egypt and appointed government officials himself.

Who is the most famous female pharaoh and her accomplishments?

The most famous female pharaoh that ruled in ancient Egypt was Hatshepsut. She, unlike many other pharaohs, didn't rule to conquer land, but to make peace and help build civilization with other areas.

How do egyptians choose royalty?

The first pharaoh Narmer declared himself pharaoh over Egypt. The next pharaoh would always be a man and would be of the pharaoh's bloodline. If the pharaoh died early, a male cousin,nephew,etc,would be the next pharaoh. If the only man related to the pharaoh was not approved, the pharaoh would pick a different person, not always of bloodline. Once, a man became a pharaoh just for digging out the Great Spinx. So it wouldn't always be of bloodline.

Was the ancient Egypt civilization Democratic?

No, it was a monarchy. The pharaoh was the only person in charge, who had the help of other noble families to govern towns and cities and lead many battles. Sometimes though the Pharaoh is the person in charge, generals and high-priest have controlled the country later on in most cases murdering the Pharaoh to become it themselves.

How does Egypt's Social order help the pharaoh maintain control?

Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid with gods and pharaohs at the top. Since they were viewed as gods control was easy.

Can you find Sonic Adventure 2 battle in Egypt?

You can visit a local retailer in Egypt to find the game. Ask friends if they have ever played the game so as to help you get it.