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Q: How did national boundries in Europe change due to the treaty of Versailles?
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How did the treaty of Versailles's change the world map?

The Treaty of Versailles changed the Europe map in a few different ways. The main change was that it established national boundaries within Europe.

What were Germany's main territorial losses under the treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles changed the Europe map in a few different ways. The main change was that it established national boundaries within Europe.

How did the treaty of the Versailles change the map of Europe?

Yugoslavia was created.

How did the treaty of Versailles change the world map?

The Treaty of Versailles radically reorganized the map of Europe, to the detriment of the German Empire, and restructured many of Germany's former overseas colonies. In every case, Central Power nations lost territory, and Allied nations gained territory, although some colonies were transferred to international control, and a number of European countries became independent.

How did national boundaries in Europe change due to the Treaty of Versailles?

Answer this question…Smaller nations formed along ethnic and cultural lines.

What events caused the map of eastern Europe to change in the 20Th century?

The map of Europe changed radically after the First World War according to the Treaty of Versailles (e.g. Hungary was separated from Austria, new countries were born: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, a lot bigger Romania, etc.).

How did the rise of nationalism change Europe?

It means to be awesome to Europe and be a national person to it It means to be awesome to Europe and be a national person to it

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It made Europe change eg..the way of politics and art.

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The pressure between earth plates creates metamorphic rock because when applying pressure rocks change to a metamorphic rock.

How had Europe changed by 1937?

From after the Treaty of Versailles was established to 1937, Europe had still continued to change dramatically. Every country (with the exception of Czechoslovakia) in Eastern Europe had fallen to an authoritarian government. In addition, the Soviet Union, Italy, and Nazi Germany became totalitarian governments and Italy, Nazi Germany, and Spain had fallen to fascism. There was a major retreat from democracy as countries dealt with World War I and the aftermath. Alliances had also changed, but essentially became meaningless on the previous Allied side. Nazi Germany also undid most of the Treaty of Versailles, reoccupied the Rhineland, started remilitarized, and stopped paying war payments in order to prepare for Nazi domination of Europe.

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What state had it's boundries changed when the eastern states joined the Confederacy?

Virginia had it's boundaries change. The western counties did not agree with secession, so "seceded" from the state, forming "West Virginia".