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he was studiying flight as he originally came up fro the idea of wings which then helped the person who invented planes as leornardo had came up with the idea of humans flying using wings

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Q: How did nature inspire Leonardo da Vinci?
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no he did not draw many trees at all..that part of nature did not inspire him. -Colleen

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What was Leonardo da Vinci's hobbies?

Walking after a rain in nature.

Did Picasso paint the monalisa?

No, my friend. That was Leonardo da Vinci.

For whom or why did Leonardo da Vinci create the masterpiece?

Leonardo da Vinci created masterpieces to express his observations in nature and to express the beauty of something he saw.

Who drew the pic 'Mona Lisa'?

Leonardo Da Vinci painted it - it is not a drawing.

Who pianted the Mona Lisa?

Leonardo Da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa

Why was Leonardo da Vinci so fascinated by nature?

Leonardo was so fascinated by nature because he thought that nature was the beautiful thing

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