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The northern States had been abolitionist all along and freed slaves basically had the same civil rights there as anyone, including the right to vote.

The southern States recognised the right of slave owners to free their slaves but their civil rights were in practice unequal to those of whites, a situation that was to remain almost unchanged until the 1960s.

The right to vote in southern States was non-existent for blacks before the Civil War. Even after the Civil War, many southern States would enact the so-called Grandfather Clause in their voting legislation to keep blacks from the voting registers. This Grandfather Clause meant that anyone wishing to vote had to pass a literacy test or even several tests first before he could register, unless his father/grandfather already had been qualified to vote (that is, before the Civil War). This meant that illiterate whites could simply register, and illiterate blacks had to pass the tests first.

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Q: How did northerners view the civil rights of slaves before the civil war?
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