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At first Ikemefuna is fearful, being away from his mother and father, but in time he adapts, becoming an older brother to Nwoye, and becoming Okonkwo's son. Ikemefuna even calls Okonkwo 'father'. He becomes the most manlike of the children in Okonkwo's eyes.

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he felt very upset and stupid He expected a lot

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The village looked at Okonkwo as it's bravest warrior who was a great wrestler and farmer, but who sometimes liked to pick fights with lesser men, and whose rage was inconsolable.

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Okonkwo plans to marry his daughters to members of Umuofia, and have his sons rejoin the Igbo.

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Q: How did okonkwo feel about his transgression?
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Why does the village cleanse itself after okonkwo's crime?

The village cleanses itself to rid the community of the bad energy and negative influences associated with Okonkwo's crime. This purification ritual is believed to restore harmony and balance to the village by symbolically removing the contamination caused by the transgression. It also serves as a way to uphold the traditional customs and beliefs of the community.

How does Okonkwo feel about the festivals?

Okonkwo does not like the festivals because he cannot work during them, and he prefers working to lazing and talking with neighbours.

What are the stripes on Okonkwo's back?

The stripes on Okonkwo's back are from the beatings he received as a punishment for breaking the peace during the Week of Peace celebration in "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe. The stripes are a visible reminder of his transgression and the shame he brought upon himself and his family.

How did okonkwo feel when he returned from the white man's prison?

-Okonkwo had a loss of appetite. -The bitterness in his heart was mixed with a king of child like excitement. I am pretty sure that is the answer.

What are some good sentences for the word transgression?

I asked for forgiveness for my transgression. Transgression is a sin or bad act.

What are some quotes that show okonkwo is a man?

"Okonkwo was a man." "Did you see that man, Okonkwo?" "You are my son. Okonkwo, I am your father!"

Use transgression in a sentence?

She prayed to her God to be forgiven for her transgression.