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Q: How did prohibition of alcohol hurt America instead of help it?
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How did the war effort help the passage of the Prohibition Amendment?

In 1917, Congress passed an act that controlled the materials that may be needed for the war effort. This included the grains used to make alcohol. This along with the general anti-alcohol view in Congress led to the eventual passage of the Prohibition Amendment.

Why did America change its mind about prohibition?

History in the United States of America during the early 1920s would change forever. On the early morning of January 16, 1919 America went dry. President Woodrow Wilson and many others saw drinking becoming a serious problem. People wanted prohibition because employers were going to work still drunk and working with a hangover. At home, life was more difficult for families. Husbands were becoming abusive to their wife and children's. Also crime started to occur more frequently, most of America's most serious problems centered on alcohol. The prohibition was enforced by states voting themselves dry. Many people started organizations like Anti-salons organization. But the main reason how the prohibition was passed was because of women. During this era women were able to vote. America changed its mind on alcohol because, American businesses were becoming slower, families were being abused, and lastly manly states voted on prohibition. America was changed because homicides were higher than ever before. Before the prohibition had begun, the homicide rate per 100,000 Americans was 7. In 1919 when America went dry, the murder rate per 100,000 Americans rose to 8.5. It was not until 1933, where America repealed prohibition was at 10 per 100,000 Americans. (Document B). America had changed prohibition because homicides were higher than they had been before. America had changed prohibition because the United States of America government could not be trusted. Important people in the government including congressmen and senators were not able to be trusted with alcohol. The men who made the prohibition were going against the law. They had become bootleggers. "How can you have the heart to prosecute a bootlegger, send a man to jail for six months or a year for selling a pint of a quart of whiskey, when you know for a fact the men who made the laws... are themselves patronizing bootleggers" (document D). America had changed prohibition because people in our own government were violating the very own laws they made. America had changed it thoughts because the prohibition law was really helping criminals. To begin, when the prohibition law was made it was intended to help Americans restore civilization. Actually the government was wrong. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were suffering and trying to escape the great depression, many other were happy. Gangster, racketeers, bootleggers, and dope sellers were making money off the prohibition. Many people saw criminals living the life, Americans were struggling to survive. This had to change. America had changed it mind on the prohibition law because the prohibition was helping criminals make money. America changed its mind on Prohibition because it made life hard for Americans. The government saw that homicide rates had jumped by 3 per 100,000 Americans. Also people knew that congressmen and senators were violating the laws that they had made to help America gain back civilization. Lastly, the prohibition law was actually helping criminals have a better life than Americans struggling. America changed its mind on prohibition because the prohibition was really hurting the nation

Why is the government important to us?

They help america .

How did skyscrapers change America's cities?

it gave the people of America a chance to work and make some money to help support there family's

What did Samuel slater and Moses brown help begin in America?

Industrial revolution

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How was the prohibition of alcohol a defining moment in Canadian history?

Alcohol was illegal in the US, so "moonshiners" would make it in Canada and then smuggle it into the states, which would probably help the countries econonmy.

How did the war effort help the passage of the Prohibition Amendment?

In 1917, Congress passed an act that controlled the materials that may be needed for the war effort. This included the grains used to make alcohol. This along with the general anti-alcohol view in Congress led to the eventual passage of the Prohibition Amendment.

Why did America change its mind about prohibition?

History in the United States of America during the early 1920s would change forever. On the early morning of January 16, 1919 America went dry. President Woodrow Wilson and many others saw drinking becoming a serious problem. People wanted prohibition because employers were going to work still drunk and working with a hangover. At home, life was more difficult for families. Husbands were becoming abusive to their wife and children's. Also crime started to occur more frequently, most of America's most serious problems centered on alcohol. The prohibition was enforced by states voting themselves dry. Many people started organizations like Anti-salons organization. But the main reason how the prohibition was passed was because of women. During this era women were able to vote. America changed its mind on alcohol because, American businesses were becoming slower, families were being abused, and lastly manly states voted on prohibition. America was changed because homicides were higher than ever before. Before the prohibition had begun, the homicide rate per 100,000 Americans was 7. In 1919 when America went dry, the murder rate per 100,000 Americans rose to 8.5. It was not until 1933, where America repealed prohibition was at 10 per 100,000 Americans. (Document B). America had changed prohibition because homicides were higher than they had been before. America had changed prohibition because the United States of America government could not be trusted. Important people in the government including congressmen and senators were not able to be trusted with alcohol. The men who made the prohibition were going against the law. They had become bootleggers. "How can you have the heart to prosecute a bootlegger, send a man to jail for six months or a year for selling a pint of a quart of whiskey, when you know for a fact the men who made the laws... are themselves patronizing bootleggers" (document D). America had changed prohibition because people in our own government were violating the very own laws they made. America had changed it thoughts because the prohibition law was really helping criminals. To begin, when the prohibition law was made it was intended to help Americans restore civilization. Actually the government was wrong. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were suffering and trying to escape the great depression, many other were happy. Gangster, racketeers, bootleggers, and dope sellers were making money off the prohibition. Many people saw criminals living the life, Americans were struggling to survive. This had to change. America had changed it mind on the prohibition law because the prohibition was helping criminals make money. America changed its mind on Prohibition because it made life hard for Americans. The government saw that homicide rates had jumped by 3 per 100,000 Americans. Also people knew that congressmen and senators were violating the laws that they had made to help America gain back civilization. Lastly, the prohibition law was actually helping criminals have a better life than Americans struggling. America changed its mind on prohibition because the prohibition was really hurting the nation

How did ending prohibition help the great depression?

When prohibition ended, people were able to legally produce and sell beverages again. The government could then tax the alcohol and gain profits. This in turn helped ease the United States out of the Depression.

How did God use Muslim culture for the good of mankind?

Muslim culture mandates support of the poor. The prohibition on alcohol prevents the alcohol problem that Westerners have. Muslim cultures help people resist invading cultures.

What thirty things could you do instead of using drugs and alcohol?

go to rehab get some help try and do new things

How did prohibition help promote moral reform?

Prohibition was seen as a way to promote moral reform by reducing the negative social impacts of alcohol consumption, such as crime and domestic violence. It was believed that banning alcohol would lead to a more virtuous and disciplined society by eliminating the vices associated with excessive drinking. Additionally, prohibitionists believed that reducing alcohol consumption would improve health and productivity among the population.

How does American cars help America?

Buying American made cars keeps the money in America, instead of supporting foreign made vehicles.

Who was involved in the Canadian Prohibition in 1920s?

National Prohibition in the US created prosperity in Canada by providing an excellent market for alcoholic beverages. Prohibitions of any type help those who provide the goods or services that are prohibited.

Which group did not support the movement for prohibition?

Many groups in America were opposed to prohibition. Irish, German-Americans, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Jews, urban dwellers, educated people, Catholics, organized labor, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), immigrants, libertarians, Constitutionalists, and many others opposed prohibition.

Why did many women want to end drinking of alcohol?

Many women wanted to end the drinking of alcohol because they believed that it led to various social issues, such as domestic violence, poverty, and neglect of children. They also believed that alcohol consumption undermined the morals and values of society, and that prohibition would help create a safer and more stable society.

Is there something that can help with alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
