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Q: How did reginald gardiners arm become paralyzed?
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Why did reginald gardiner keep his hand in his pocket when making movies?

His arm was paralyzed.

Can you take blood pressure on an arm which is paralyzed?

yes blood is still flowing

How do you paralyze someone's arms?

pinch the radial nerve causing a temporarly paralyzed arm.

Who did the undertaker paralyze?

he paralyzed finlay and satino marella FIBBLES 5

What physical problems prevent enlistment to marines?

Some obvious physical problems would be being paralyzed or missing an arm, leg, or other limb.

Your gerbil got bit in the shoulder by another gerbil and it doesn't move its arm is its front arm paralyzed and what do you do?

you should really take it to the vet. i don't think it is a good idea to put the injured gerbil back in the cage though.

Which arm did Jacques Cousteau paralyze?

Jacques Cousteau was paralyzed in a car accident in 1935, which left his right arm paralyzed.

If your biceps were paralyzed what movements would you be unable to make?

The "curl" motion, which consists of bending the arm towards the shoulder at the elbow with the palms facing upwards.

Why did William have only one good arm in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

William, also known as "Injun Joe," had only one good arm in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because he was injured in a gunfight when he tried to escape from Tom Sawyer's gang. The injury left him with a paralyzed arm, which limited his mobility and capabilities throughout the story.

When the arm is stretched the biceps muscle will become?


How does the sniper's arm become injured?

He gets shot.

Was tom robinsons right or left arm injured in To Kill a Mockingbird?

He got it stuck in a cotton gin. And all of his muscles were strained, and couldn't move his left arm at all. It was completely paralyzed.