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Q: How did sailors use the constellations long ago?
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Do sailors really use the constellations to find where to go?

they do because they know which constellations go north, south, west, and east Also, they would get lost without constellations.

Why did sailors use lodestones as a compass a long time ago?

so they could tell where they are and wont get lost

Why did sailors and travelers use the constellations to help guide them?

It was the only reliable and "high tech" source of direction.

Why could sailors not use constellation in navigation.?

Most constellations are circumpolar. Over the course of a night they appear to rotate around the North pole and so do not identify a specific direction. As a reult they are of little use for navigation.

Who introdous the oldest descriptionof the constellation?

The first constellations were, we believe, invented by the ancient Babylonians and Sumerians, and perhaps the Phoenicians. These were to give people a way to refer to the stars and constellations, and provided a heavenly anchor for their stories. Most of the northern hemisphere constellation names that we use today were invented, or adapted, by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The southern hemisphere constellations were largely named by sailors and mariners. It's likely that the people who lived in these southern lands had names of their own for the constellations and stars, but few of those are still in use.

Why do scientists still use constellations?

It is an easy way of identifying groups of stars and labelling and naming stars within constellations. Many constellations are long established. So they are also commonly known by people, making it easier for people to understand what is being talked about, be they scientists or ordinary people who can identify constellations and stars.

How can astronomy help you if you get lost?

If you know the constellations and stars in the sky, you can use them to help you navigate. Sailors do this by knowing which directions stars are positioned. They can then tell which way is north, south, east and west.

How early people use constellation?

ancient people sed constellations civilizations ago to tell time, not time in a day rather to tell when to sow, harvest and etc. this was successful for the time as constellations were patterns in the sky and important ones, those used to tell time, were easily remembered.

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Who invented the modern constellations in the Northern Hemisphere?

Most of the (northern) constellations we use today were invented in ancient times, especially by the ancient Greeks. More recently, a few were added (to fill the entire surface of the sky with constellations), and the limits between constellations were defined exactly.