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Salmon P. Chase was a remarkable Treasury Secretary to Lincoln, and he was very instrumental in financing the Civil War. Chase was also a Radical Republican, and while he was in Lincoln's Cabinet, the Radicals in Congress were satisfied that Lincoln had a Radical in his Cabinet and criticised him less than they would have otherwise.

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Q: How did salmon chase positively impact Lincoln's presidency?
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Lincoln's secretary of the treasury who hungered for the presidency in 1864?

Salmon P. Chase was Lincoln's secretary of the treasury who had aspirations of becoming president in 1864. Chase was a prominent figure in the Republican Party and had previously served as a U.S. Senator and Governor of Ohio. Despite his ambitions, Chase was ultimately unsuccessful in his bid for the presidency in 1864, as Lincoln secured the Republican nomination and was reelected.

When are types of wild salmon available?

Sockey salmon King salmon Pink salmon Coho salmon Chinook salmon

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There is Atlantic salmon is Scotland. Scottish salmon is probably farm raised Atlantic salmon.

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It depends on what type of salmon you are talking about. Pick One: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, or any other salmon.

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A school of salmon is still called salmon. The term "school" refers to the entire group of fish. If there are several different species of salmon in the group, (e.g. coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon) they may be called "fishes". The salmon specifically are just called salmon.

What kind of salmon ends in o?

Coho salmon which is also known as silver salmon.

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how do salmon die

Which fishes are bigger sardine or salmon?

Salmon! salmon can get over 40lbs.