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it effected it very much.

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Q: How did science and superstition affect Europe in the 17th century?
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How does superstition affect science and technology?

This effect is best categorized as interference.+

How do science and technology affect superstition?

By definition, a superstition is an unscientific belief. Science and technology are therefore unable to shake many people's superstitions. Lack of understanding of science and technology has led to the development of new superstitions, such as the belief that Mercury retrograde can cause your computer to malfunction.

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Because of the potatoes in Europe :)

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The greatest disaster to affect 14th century Europe decimated 25% of the population. The Black Death, as it was known, claimed its victims with no respect to wealth or social status. The causes of the plague wouldn't be understood for many years so it was feared as only the unknown can be.

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It decreased the Roman Catholic Church's power and authority.

What does the word 'affect' mean in regard to science?

it means "science affect"

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It made Europe increasingly dependent on Africa for trade.

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Migration affected twentieth-century European social life by causing a mass exodus from Europe to North America, and, in particular, the United States.

How did migration affect twentieth-century European social life?

Migration affected twentieth-century European social life by causing a mass exodus from Europe to North America, and, in particular, the United States.