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Q: How did scientists believe that there were earths four layers?
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What are the four colors of the earths layers?

brown everything is a mess of brown and purple

The atmosphere is a relatively thin layer of gas that scientists divide into four sections based only on chemical composition. true or false.?

False. I believe the layers are assigned by temperature gradients.

What are four main layers of earths atmosphere?

The four main layers of Earth's atmosphere are Toposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Thermosphere. (The Thermosphere ends at 62 miles from earth's surface. or, where space starts.TroposphereExosphereIonosphereOzonosphere

What are the earths four atmosphere layers called?

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere (containing ionosphere), exosphere.

What are four layers that make up Earths atmosphere?

lower core, upper core, mantle, and crust

What are the names of the boundaries between the earths four layers?

cynagon, boundagon, phetagon and metagon. I try to help you

How are Earth's layers classified?

Based on temperature differences.

What is the thickness of the earths mantle?

The earths mantle is one of the four major layers, laying between the crust and the outer core. At 2885 kilometers, it is the thickest layer.

What are the names of the four layers of earths atmosphere?

1. Troposphere. 2. Stratosphere. 3. Mesosphere. 4. Thermosphere.

How many layers of muscle are there in the foot?

there are 44444444444444444444444445555555555555555555555555555555555577777777777777777 layers of skin on your feet

How scientists believe the earths four layers were formed?

when this earth cooled from being hot, all the Iron and Nickle get concentrated inside earth forming inner two layers Inner solid core and outer liquid core. Then with the passage of time earth solidifies gradually and mantle solidifies and now at this stage our crust the outer most part of earth look like its final product.

Give at least one characteristic of each of the four main layers of earths atmosphere?

The four main layers of the atmosphere are the exosphere, where satellites orbit; the thermosphere, where temperatures increase; the mesosphere, where meteors are slowed down; and the troposphere, where life thrives.