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Scout felt frustrated and upset about the idea of starting school, as she preferred being at home with her father. She found the idea of school restrictive and boring compared to their adventures together.

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11y ago

scout was very happy about starting school. read the book and you will find the answers this is to who ever googled this answer

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Q: How did scout feel about frowned upon the idea of beginning school?
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What happens at school that makes scout feel guilty?

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How did scout feel about school in how To Kill a Mockingbird?

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How does scout feel about school in To Kill a Mockingbird?

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Yes, Scout felt frustrated and disheartened after her first day of school because of how she was treated by her teacher and classmates. However, she did not have serious thoughts of running away.

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Why is acout so upset about miss Caroline and school?

Scout is upset because Miss Caroline, her teacher, scolds her for already knowing how to read. This makes Scout feel embarrassed and misunderstood, as she was just trying to participate in class.

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The woman at Cal's church who made Scout feel unwelcome was Lula. She criticized and questioned Scout's presence at the African American church service, causing discomfort for Scout and Cal.

Why did cecil annoy Scout?

Cecil annoyed Scout by proclaiming that her father defends black people, which was seen negatively by the children at school due to the prevailing racist attitudes in their community. Cecil's words made Scout feel defensive of her father and frustrated with the unfair judgment passed on him by others.

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How does scout feel about school now in chapter 4?

In Chapter 4 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout feels frustrated and bored with school. She finds it difficult to conform to the rigid and dull classroom environment, especially since she is already ahead of her classmates in terms of reading and writing skills. Scout's strong independent spirit and curiosity clash with the traditional educational methods employed by her teacher.