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Q: How did the Bantu education affect people in south Africa?
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Bantu is an ethnical group of people from Africa.

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What are the native Bantu speaking people of South Africa called?

The Shona people are the native Bantu speaking people of South Africa.

How did people responded towards Bantu education?

The Bantu education affected black people by giving them bad education for their children.This was make sure that their children only learnt things that would make them good for what the government wanted.

What was the result of the Bantu migration of bantu-speaking people?

The Bantu language is spoken in many parts of Africa.

How did Bantu education affect black students?

it just affected them lol

What is a member of the Bantu people in South Africa?

Xhosa people

Where did the Southern Africa Bantu speaking people originated from?


What did the Bantu expansion lead to?

the spread of Bantu languages throught Africa

How did the bantu migration of the bantu people affect the culture of Africa?

Two thousand years ago, the Bantu migration was the most massive and important migration since the original humans migrated out of Africa to the rest of the world. Aside from bringing massive population growth, the Bantu brought skills with them that positively impacted the development of the area like metal weaponry, land cultivation and animal husbandry.

More than 130 million people in Africa speak one of the Bantu languages what does the word Bantu mean in English?

The word "Bantu" and its variants mean "people" or "human."

What was the African group of people that started in west Africa and migrated to central and southern Africa?

Bantu People