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Q: How did the Battle of Little Bighorn affect U.S. Goveernment policy toward the Native Americans?
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What events led to the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

Sioux forces led by Crazy Horse surrounded and defeated Custer and his troops.

What state was Custer's last stand located in?

It is also called the Battle of the Little Bighorn, fought on 25to 26 June 1876. General Custer was the leader of the American army, and they were all killed by the Native Americans=======================================Custer's Last Stand was the part of the battle known as the Battle of Little Big Horn, but it was not the only part. Custer and five companies of the US 7th Cavalry were killed, except for one man whom Custer had sent as a messenger to Captain Benteen. Earlier, Major Reno clashed with the Sioux and took casualties, but the regiment survived.========================================That was not actually a war, it was the Battle of the Little Bighorn. It is known to the Lakota as the Battle of the Greasy Grass. It was the most prominent action in the Great Sioux War of 1876.Little Big Horn

Did the battle of little bighorn take place in westward expansion'?

Not in westward expansion, during, it was one of the expansion wars. It took place in Montana,

When did the battle of little big horn end?

The Battle of the Little Big Horn ended on July 26, 1876. The battle lasted for only one day and took place between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes and the US Army.

Why is Crazy Horse famous?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn -Custer's Last Stand- Crazy Horse was there.Please see the related link for more information:

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Which battle in 1876 was a victory for native americans?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn

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Is also known as the custers last stand?

Battle of the Little Bighorn.

When did Battle of the Little Bighorn happen?

Battle of the Little Bighorn happened on 26-06-25.

What conflict is known for the death of General George Custer and as Custer's Last Stand?

That was the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

Who was president when the Battle of Little Bighorn took place?

Uylesses S. Grant was the American president when the battle of little bighorn took place. Part of the reason there was conflicts with settlers and Native Americans was the fact that Grant had ordered Native Americans to settle in designated reservations.

Lt col george cluster was killed during what battle?

the battle of the little big hornAnswer:The battle on June 25 and June 26, 1876, near the Little Bighorn River in eastern Montana Territory goes by different names:European Americans call it The Battle of the Little Bighorn -also known as Custer's Last StandNative Americans call it the Battle of Greasy Grass Creek

Who met his end at the battle of little bighorn?

George Custer and his entire regiment died at the battle of Little Bighorn.

Who is little bighorn?

Little Bighorn is not a "who" , but a place in WY where George Armstrong Custer fought 2,000 Native Americans in the last battle of the war between the Union army and the Native Americans in 1876. This was the "last stand" of the tribes and within a year they were defeated.

What is a nickname for the Battle of Little Bighorn?

Battle of Rosebud.

What are some names of people that where native Americans that died at the battle of little bighorn?

ti-atick, casio, and biggy smalls

Who were the leaders of the battle of little bighorn?

the leaders are of US Army is george armstrong cluster and the sioux forces of native americans