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Q: How did the French Guards respond to the Bastille being attacked?
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When did the french storm Bastille?

The French people - more precisely a crowd of Parisians and National Guards - stormed the castle of the Bastille on the 14th of July, 1789. The event marks the beginning of the French revolution.

Who is the Marquis de Launay?

He was the Governor of the Bastille when it was Stormed on 14 July 1789. After he had surrendered the Bastille he and several guards were lynched.

When was the storming of the bastile?

The Bastille prison and fortress was stormed on July 14, 1789. July 14 marks the debut of the historical period of the French revolution and is the national day for France.

Did the french attack the Bastille because they were hungry?

they stormed the Bastille because they had enough of the Aristocracy who ruled everything and they had nothing, no food, no land they worked until they could no more,they were treated worse than slaves, finally they could see that if they all joined together they could defeat the guards and overcome their miserable existence. there are many books on the french Revolution, check your local library.

What happened after the storming of Bastille?

In 1789, during the storming of the Bastille, there were 7 prisoners. The Bastille represented royal authority and this was exactly what the French people wanted to rid themselves of. Also, it was randomly known there was a lot of gunpowder stored in the Bastille and since the people feared that King Louis XVI was planning a counter revolution, they wanted to arm themselves against the foreign troops that they thought Louis had ordered from abroad. The French saw it as a victory when they freed the 7 prisoners and tore down the Bastille. They conveniently forgot the fact that among them were 4 forgers, 2 lunatics and 1 pedophile.

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When did the french storm Bastille?

The French people - more precisely a crowd of Parisians and National Guards - stormed the castle of the Bastille on the 14th of July, 1789. The event marks the beginning of the French revolution.

What are the reasons of Bastille Day?

During the early stages of the French Revolution, the Parisians finally had enough of the French Monarchy and inequality. They attacked the Bastille (which was a famous prison, holding many political prisoners of the King, whose only crime was to disagree with the status quo) killing some of the guards, but eventually freeing many people. The Bastille Day is a reminder of the courage the people showed towards injustice and how they took action.

What is the seizure of Bastille?

The Seizure of the Bastille happened during the French Revolution. Basically, what happened was, the group of revolutionaries in France invaded a fort/prison in Paris known as the Bastille. They invaded it, killed all the guards, and released the prisoners. Some of the prisoners joined the revolutionaries to end the monarchy in France.

Who is the Marquis de Launay?

He was the Governor of the Bastille when it was Stormed on 14 July 1789. After he had surrendered the Bastille he and several guards were lynched.

How did the Storming of the Bastille end?

It was finally surrendered to the mob which then killed many of the guards.

Why is Bastille significant to the french revolution?

As a specific event, the storming of the Bastille is only a raid on a supposed arms and weapons depot, by a mixed mob of Parisians and National Guards. On a symbolic level, the seven prisoners it hosted were set free and the Bastille was turned into a symbol of royal abuse of justice (even though no prisoner was detained there for political reasons, the simple signature of the king was enough to justify the emprisonments). That event is also for the French historians, the official beginning of the French revolution.

What is the meaning labastill in french?

La Bastille was a castle and prison in Paris. It was dismantled soon after having been stormed by the people of Paris and members of the National guards, on the 14th of July, 1789.

When was the storming of the bastile?

The Bastille prison and fortress was stormed on July 14, 1789. July 14 marks the debut of the historical period of the French revolution and is the national day for France.

Did the french attack the Bastille because they were hungry?

they stormed the Bastille because they had enough of the Aristocracy who ruled everything and they had nothing, no food, no land they worked until they could no more,they were treated worse than slaves, finally they could see that if they all joined together they could defeat the guards and overcome their miserable existence. there are many books on the french Revolution, check your local library.

How a castle could be attacked?

bet the guards and start attaking

What happened after the storming of Bastille?

In 1789, during the storming of the Bastille, there were 7 prisoners. The Bastille represented royal authority and this was exactly what the French people wanted to rid themselves of. Also, it was randomly known there was a lot of gunpowder stored in the Bastille and since the people feared that King Louis XVI was planning a counter revolution, they wanted to arm themselves against the foreign troops that they thought Louis had ordered from abroad. The French saw it as a victory when they freed the 7 prisoners and tore down the Bastille. They conveniently forgot the fact that among them were 4 forgers, 2 lunatics and 1 pedophile.

How people got killed in the bastille prision?

During the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, several guards and prisoners were killed in the fighting. The violence escalated as the revolutionaries sought to gain control of the prison and secure weapons. It is estimated that around 98 attackers and one defender were killed during the siege of the Bastille.