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It has been said that the Holocaust accelerated the campaign against racism, for example in the U.S., after the war.

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Q: How did the Holocaust and the final solution affect the 'free world'?
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What was the holocaust called during World War 2?

The Final Solution

What was the term used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War 2?

The Holocaust. The Nazis themselves called it the Final Solution [of the Jewish Question.

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What was the term that was used to describe the extermination of the Jews during World War II?

Holocaust. It is estimated that six million Jews, were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust

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Called by the German Nazis. " The final solution. " Called by the Jews and most of the rest of the world. The Holocaust.

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What does final solution mean during world war 2?

It was a plan for Germany to get rid of its entire Jewish population, through both killing the population and forcing them out of the country. It's what led to the Holocaust.

How does the Holocaust affect your world today?

They made us think about how the world can be so discriminating.

How does revisionist interpretation of the Holocaust movement affect the world today?

There is remembrance of the Holocaust but there is no 'Holocaust movement'. That expression makes it sound like a political campaign.

How did the Holocaust affect World War 2 Germany?

its smell bad

How did the holocaust affect world history?

it became the event that everything was related to.

How did World War 2 effect the final solution?

Actually no way _____________ the Final Solution would not have existed were it not for WWII