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Q: How did the New World discovery build an interdependent global economic system?
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What contributed to the emergence of a new interdependent global economic system in the New World?

Raw materials contributed to the emergence of a new interdependent global economic system in the New World

The shift towards to a more integrated and interdependent global economy is a good thing. discuss?

A shift toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy will cause barriers to international trade and investment to fall. The increased international trade and cross-border investment will result in lower prices for goods and services. Globalization will stimulate economic growth, raises the incomes of consumers, and helps to create jobs in all countries that choose to participate in the global trading system.

How can the global economic and geopolitical system be crushed through the use of technologies?

The global economic and geopolitical system can be crushed through the use of technology by influencing the way things are done.

Is it true that many economist politicians and business leaders believe that the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent global economy is a positive trend?

Yes... This will benefit the world as a whole, spreading economic prosperity to all citizens. A new financial order would allow easier trade and thus greater gains to production. We must move towards a new global financial and economic system, a new world order.

What helped make Europe a global economic power?

Europe became a global economic superpower by exploiting the resources of its colonies. Mercantilism was an economic system by which European countries benefited economically from their colonies.

Why is capitalism so prevalent in the global economy?

Capitalism is prevalent in the global economy because this economic system allows individuals freedom to make choices. With this system, people are free to do what they want to do and use their money where they want to.

how are cells interdependent on each other?

Cells interdependent to form organization in multicellular organism to make tissue, organ, organ system and body.

What economic system does a socialist country have?

Socialism (a classless stateless society based on production for use) will have to exist at a global level, so there cannot be a Socialist country. And there will be no ones or wages or prices, hence no economic system.

Why is it said that the components of all information systems are interdependent?

all the components of an information system are interdependent because they all rely on each other to operate

What is a group of interdependent organs with a similar function?


Which two body systems work together?

All body systems work together and are interdependent. For example, the circulatory system and the respiratory system are interdependent, because without oxygen, your heart is unable to pump blood, and without blood, your respiratory system cannot transfer oxygen. The nervous system and the immune system are interdependent because the brain signals when the immune system should activate, and the nervous system would eventually die off from infection or a virus without the immune system to protect it.

How are the circulatory system and the muscular system interdependent?

They both involve movement. Movement of the blood and Movement of the body