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the renaissance was more of a revolution there were more scientific discoveries and it was time of great knowledge mainly during the medieval times it was more of "kings and queens serfdom during the renaissance they were eliminating serfdom"

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Q: How did the Renaissance worldview differ from the medieval worldview?
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How do renaissance and medieval paintings of religious subject differ?

Renaissance paintings show figures in earthly settings; figures in medieval paintings have heavenly gold backgrounds.

How did the ideas of the middle ages differ from those in the Renaissance?

The Medieval world tended to be Theocentric. The Renaissance world tended to be Anthropocentric.

How did the renaissance thinkers reflect the renaissance worldview?

Renaissance thinkers reflected the Renaissance worldview by emphasizing humanism, individualism, and a renewed interest in classical learning. They valued human potential, sought to understand the world through scientific inquiry, and celebrated the beauty of art and literature. These ideals contributed to a shift away from medieval thought and laid the foundation for the modern era.

How does the renaissance motet differ from medieval predecessor?

In the Medieval times the motet was a secular polyphonic vocal genre. Later on in the Renaissance time it became a sacred or devotional polyphonic vocal genre.

How did the Renaissance scholar's differ from those of medieval scholar's?

Renaissance scholars focused on humanism, individualism, and a revival of classical learning and culture, while medieval scholars were more centered on theology, scholasticism, and religious teachings. Renaissance scholars were more interested in the arts, literature, and science, while medieval scholars focused on deciphering and interpreting religious texts and doctrines.

What was the worldview in Renaissance Europe?

The worldview in Renaissance Europe was characterized by a shift towards humanism, with a focus on human potential, individualism, and secularism. There was a renewed interest in classical learning, art, and literature, as well as a growing emphasis on observation, reason, and empirical evidence in areas such as science and exploration. This period marked a transition from the medieval worldview dominated by religion, towards a more human-centered perspective.

How did Divine Comedy have characteristics of Medieval and Renaissance thoughts?

The "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri combines medieval beliefs in Christian theology, hierarchy of sin, and the afterlife with Renaissance humanism, emphasizing the individual's experience and choices. It reflects the medieval worldview, including concepts of salvation and punishment, while also incorporating innovations in language and style that were characteristic of the Renaissance period.

How was the Renaissance worldview different from the Middle Ages?

The renaissance was a time of change and creativity

What was the new worldview during the renaissance?

The new worldview during the Renaissance emphasized humanism, individualism, and a rediscovery of classical knowledge and culture. There was a shift from the medieval focus on the divine and supernatural to a greater emphasis on human potential, creativity, and exploration. This period encouraged critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and artistic expression, leading to significant advancements in various fields.

What ideas from classical times helped to form the Renaissance humanist worldview?

Classical ideas such as the emphasis on individualism, secularism, and the importance of education and the arts helped shape the Renaissance humanist worldview. The revival of classical texts also inspired humanists to focus on human potential, reason, and critical thinking, leading to a new emphasis on humanism and a shift away from medieval scholasticism.