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Every group of ant has a smell.

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Q: How did the ant know that the other ants were not from its group?
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How did the ant know that the other ant were not from its group?

because the pheremones are different in spieces of ants but they will not know slave ants

Which group does an ant belong?

i think the ant belongs to the insect group because it has 6 legs and also did you know that an ant can carry 10 times its on wait!

What is a name of group of ant?

A group of ants is a colony.

What is a group of ant s called?

A group of ants is called a colony or an army.

How did the guard ant recognize this ants were not from its group?

every ant has a smell with that smell the guard will understand

A certain type of ant steals the larvae of other ants to keep as a slave the slave ants build homes for and feed these ants who cannot do anything but fight they depend completely on their slaves?

Leptothorax ants need other ant species during parts of their life cycle. Honeypot ants will enslave members from other honeypot ant colonies. Another type of ant that enslaves other species is the Amazon ant (genus Polyergus).

How do ants survive?

they survive by making ant holes or camoulafge with there suroundings

Is an ant in the flatworms group?

No. Ants are arthropods while flatworms are platyhelminthes.

What food does a ant not like?

Other Ants

Is a fire ant a reptile?

No- fire ants are insects like other ants.

Are cow ants bigger than any other ant?

Australian Bulldog worker ants and Bullet ants grow to 2.5 cm., which makes them the largest worker ants. But, of course, queen ants are the biggest in each breed of ants, though I don't know how big the Bulldog ant queens are. A queen Driver ant can reach up to 5 cm, and soldier Driver ants can grow to 1.5 cm.

Do ants proceive humans?

Ants do not perceive humans as humans. However, if an ant is injured or killed the ant sends out pheromones indicating to other ants that there is danger.