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The apartheid made Nelson Mandela feel unhappy. He knew he had to make a difference in peoples lives, if he didnt, nobody would.

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Q: How did the people feel during the apartheid?
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Which language was forced to be used during the apartheid?

The language people's were speaking during apartheid was kua zoulu , kosa

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What happened to the black people during the apartheid?

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Under apartheid the government divided people into four categories by race : "European ,African, Asian,& Colored

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How did blacks feel about apartheid?

The blacks were very sad and very mad at the Apartheid paper

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lol loser

How did people feel about the apartheid?

younger people wern't very happy because if they had black friends they wouldn't be able to play with them or sit with them.

Who was the president of South Africa during apartheid?

Hendrik Verwoerd was the Prime Minister during apartheid.

How did younger people feel about the apartheid?

younger people wern't very happy because if they had black friends they wouldn't be able to play with them or sit with them.

What do the Afrikaners have to do with the apartheid?

The Afrikaners were the people who had moved to Africa. they were the white people who had started the Apartheid.