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The Declaration of Independence was the document which declared independence of the colonists from Great Britain, making their independence "official."

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Q: How did the declaration of independence reflect the colonists ideas about government?
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How did the Emancipation Proclamation reflect the ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

it was the freedom for people. in declaration of independence it was independence for colonists and for emancipation proclamation is was the slaves

How did the articles of confederations reflect the ideals stated in the declaration of Independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederations reflect the ideals stated in the declaration of independents?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the Articles of Confederation reflect Americas political experiences of the previous twenty years?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

In what ways does the Declaration of Independence reflect the ideas of john Locke in what ways does it differ why?

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How did the Emancipation Proclamation reflect the ideas of the Declaration of Independence?

it was the freedom for people. in declaration of independence it was independence for colonists and for emancipation proclamation is was the slaves

How did the Articles of Confederation reflect stated in the Declaration of Independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederations reflect the ideals stated in the declaration of Independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederation reflect the ideal stated in the declaration of independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederation reflect ideals stated in the Declaration of independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the article of confederation reflect the ideals stated in the declaration of independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederation reflect the ideals states in the Declaration of Independence?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederation reflect the ideals of the declaration of independants?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederations reflect the ideals stated in the declaration of independents?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How did the articles of confederation reflect the ideal stated in the declaration of independents?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

How does the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonist's ideas about the government?

First tell us what "the following" is. Your homework assignment probably includes a list to chose from.

What actions reflect the political philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?

Rebels attempt to overthrow a dictatorial government.