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Prior to World War II platinum engagement rings were all the rage but the demand for platinum for the war ended that. The campaign launched be de Beers in 1947 featured the slogan "A diamond is forever" and the idea caught on with the help of jewelers who began to push diamond engagement rings.

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Diamonds are rare gemstones that formed deep within the earth over billions of years. Their beauty, durability, and limited supply have contributed to their value. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns by companies like De Beers have also played a role in establishing diamonds as a symbol of luxury and love, further driving up their value.

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Q: How did the diamond become so valuable?
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What is the most valuable form of carbon?

Diamond is considered the most valuable form of carbon due to its exceptional hardness, brilliance, and clarity. Its rarity and desirability as a gemstone contribute to its high value in the market.

Is a real diamond more or less valuable than a synthetic diamond?

A real diamond is generally more valuable than a synthetic diamond due to its rarity and natural creation process. Real diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle over millions of years, while synthetic diamonds are created in a controlled laboratory setting. These differences in origin and scarcity contribute to the higher value of natural diamonds.

What would happen if you threw away a diamond?

If you threw away a diamond, it would likely be lost forever unless someone found it. Diamonds are valuable gemstones, so discarding one would be a loss in terms of financial value. Additionally, the environmental impact of mining and discarding a diamond should be considered.

What determines the value of a 'chocolate diamond'?

The value of a "chocolate diamond" is determined by several factors, including its carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. The more carats a diamond has, the higher its value. The cut refers to the way the diamond is shaped and faceted, with well-cut diamonds being more valuable. The color of a chocolate diamond, which is a brown variety of diamond, can range from light to deep brown, with darker and more intense colors being more valuable. Lastly, clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal or external flaws, with diamonds that have fewer flaws being more valuable.

How are diamond disposed of?

Diamonds are typically not disposed of in the traditional sense, as they are highly valuable and can be resold or repurposed. However, if a diamond needs to be discarded for some reason, it can be returned to a jeweler for recycling or proper disposal. It is important to consider the environmental impact of diamond disposal and handle them responsibly.

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How valuable is a diamond carat?

Depends on the quality of the diamond in question.

Is the diamond valuable?

Yes, if it is a gem-stone quality diamond.

What is the speciality of diamond?

it is really valuable and is one of the hardest materials in the world. it is so hard that they use diamond saws (dont ask me how they made those) to cut diamond in to pieces.

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Of equal weight, gem-quality diamond is more valuable than silver.

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Diamonds are more valuable than coal.

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Brilliant. Valuable. Precious.

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