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Hitler, like Mussolini and Roosevelt, drafted young men into the army - that reduced unemployment. He, like the other two, started massive public works projects to absorb more excess labor and get money circulating in the economy. These sort of schemes will work for a while and often the public thinks of such politicians as heroes. In the longer run however, such programs lead to economic collapse...mainly via inflation. There is even a book or two about that 'proves' that Hitler was driven to conquest due to his lack of cash to keep the German economy buzzing. Relatedly it should be noted that ultimately WWII bankrupted many nations. Finland dropped out of active fighting in late 1944 due to economic collapse. Japan and Germany obviously used up almost their entire national wealth fighting. Britain was bankrupted, probably by 1941, but kept afloat by American 'loans'. I doubt Russia could have continued the war much longer either, due to economic constraints. Alone among the world's nations, the USA came out of the war economically stronger - mainly due to the isolation of the homeland from foreign attack, the huge excess capacity in factories and the ability to assume much of the financial strength that had formerly been controlled by Britain.

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When the Great Depression struck, there was hyperinflation in Germany. It caused many people to feel upset about it and blamed the weimar government for not keeping such events from happening. Also, they blamed the Weimar Government for signing the TOV and listed them as the November Criminals. These caused a great stir in the people's feelings towards this government. Thus, Hitler seize this opportunity to gain support for his rule.

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Hitler promised a way out of the depression. Thus, people saw him as the solution for their misery.

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because Hitler was a BOSS.

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Q: How did the great depression pave the way for the rise of hitler?
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How did Hitler end Germany's economic woes unemployment and depression?

AnswerHitler was in the leader of Germany at the time of the Great Depression. He came to power in 1933 as Chancellor and had no involvement in the formulation of policy in Germany until this point. The Depression was what led to the failure of Weimar Germany, and thus the rise to power of Hitler and the NSDAP (Nazi party).

How did Hitler become the leader of Nazi party?

The great depression was a big contributing factor in Hitler's rise to power. Many lives were ruined in the great depression, money was scarce for the majority of the population; this increased votes for Hitler dramatically, as people became desperate to end the great depression. Hitler was associated himself with rich, powerful people, from whom he could not only pump millions into his campaign, but from whom he could gain a higher status. Hitler, at first, was ignored by the majority of Germany, who saw him as a vicious, aggressive man who wanted to entice the German public into joining his campaign; but by at this point, Hitler was a great number of acquiring supporters, who believed he could end the great depression for Germany. This resentment from the German public seemed to drive Hitler forward, almost making him even more determined to overcome his opposition and gain the vote of the German public. Hitler became famous for his determined, influential that promised to unveil a better Germany, which also helped Hitler in his rise to power, as it helped him gain more supporters. Probably the biggest contributing factor occurred when the then president of Germany, President Hindenburg - believing that he had the power to control Hitler and hoping that Hitler would help him to end the great depression ­- gave Hitler the post of chancellor. This provided Hitler with the power he needed to become the historical dictator of Germany.

Who contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler?

The people who supported Hitler's rise to power were the Nazi Part and the German public who believed in Hitler and the Nazi Ideal

What caused consumer prices to rise following the war?

High demand and a shortage of produced goods.

In which country did adolf Hitler rise to power?


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This caused worldwide turmoil and the rise of powerful dictators?

The Great Depression and World War 1 unresolved issues contributed to the rise of the dictators of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.

How did the depression pave the way for hitlers rise?

Because people were so desperate they would do anything to survive.

What issue did Hitler use to rise to power?

Hitler offered to bring Germany out of the great depression by proposing that it was the Jewish people who were making them bankrupt by charging to much for their products.

How did the depression and the treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Adolf Hitler?


What problems existed in each country before Adolf Hitler came to power?

The most important factor that lead to Hitler's rise would be the worldwide depression, also known as the Great Depression. Others would be problems because of the depression including starvation, corruption in the government, living with disease etc.

How did depression pave the way for the rise of Hitler?

The people of Germany needed a strong influencial figure to lead them through the depression and Hitler claimed that he would help make Germany greater and reverse the treaty of Versailles, which people wanted to hear as the country was in a bad state and they wanted to replace their leader. many people thought that because Hitler showed discipline in times of chaos he could cope with the problems, so large numbers of people bagan to vote for him.

How did the economic depression contribute with Hitler's rise to power?

Hitler made promises of things the Germans wanted and needed to hear.

Which of these did not rise during the Great Depression?


Was the severe rise is in unemployment caused by the Great Depression?

the rise of unemployment was because of the great depression because the owners didn't need workers when the stock market crashed.

What worldwide event led to the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany?

There were a number of events that led to Hitler's rise in Germany. Probably the most important was the GREAT DEPRESSION, but there were a number of serious contributory events like the Treaty of Versailles, German lack of faith in their government, Pre-Existent Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia.

How did the Nazis get so strong?

The Nazi Party formed from the National Socialist German Workers' Party after Hitler too power. Much of Hitler's rise was attributed to the fact that Germany was in such a depression after the Treaty of Versailles demolished their economy. The people clung to Hitler's promises because they were, at that time, their only hope after getting out of the depression. So with Germany's support Hitler rose to great power and with him so did the Nazi Party.

How did the stock market and great depression affect Germany and the rise of Hitler?

Due to the fact that everyone was lost, the German people were looking for someone to lead them, and hitler promised that he would help Germany be a prosperous nation, which indeed he did and he used the fact that he helped them out of a depression to stay in office and he eventually seized absolute power