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the invention of light bulb brought in a different way to which people used to think and also inventors would now think on the revolutionary American inventions and think how their inventions would affect the society

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Q: How did the invention of the light bulb effect science?
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The light bulb. The light bulb. The light bulb.

How did the invention of the light bulb effect technology?

The invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison revolutionized technology by providing a reliable source of artificial light, enabling advancements in various fields such as manufacturing, transportation, communication, and healthcare. It also contributed to the expansion of infrastructure and the way people lived and worked, ultimately shaping the modern world we live in today.

When was the invention completed?

the light bulb!

Is the light bulb a Australian invention?


What was the next invention after the light bulb?

it was the light bullb

When did Thomas Edsion invnet the light bulb?

When he patented Swan's invention of the light bulb.

What is best known for Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison is best-known for the light bulb.

What was Humphrey Davey's invention?

the light bulb

How is the light bulb a useful invention?

The light bulb is useful because it lights up places!

What was Thomas Edison most important invention?

the light bulb

What best describe an immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb?

The immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb was the widespread adoption of electric lighting, replacing gas lamps and candles. This led to increased productivity, extended work hours, and improved safety in homes and workplaces.