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Many united to form an independent nation and fight the british.

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Q: How did the outcome if the Boer war affect great Britain's position in south Africa?
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How did the outcome of the Boer affect great Britain's position in south Africa?

The British gained diamond and gold mining rights in the region. noVaNET!!!

How did the outcome of the Boer War affect Britain's position in South Africa?

The British gained diamond and gold mining rights in the region. noVaNET!!!

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Position in different types of situations can affect the outcome.

How did the outcome of the Boer war affect Great Britain position in south-Africa?

The British gained diamond and gold mining rights in the region. noVaNET!!!

How did the outcome of the Boer war affect Britain's positions in south Africa?

The British gained diamond and gold mining rights in the region. noVaNET!!!

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