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Q: How did the panic of 1873 contribute to the decline of reconstruction?
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Why did the north lose interest in reconstruction?

The lost interest because they had more important issues to worry about like the Panic of 1873 also called the comromise of 1873

What closed banks in 1873?

The Panic of 1873 closed the banks.

What closed the banks in 1873?

The Panic of 1873 closed the banks.

Which statement best describes the main cause of the Panic of 1873?

The Panic of 1873 began with the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke and Company.

What hurt the republican party?

The financial panic known as Panic of 1873

What statement was best describes the main cause of the panic of 1873?

The Panic of 1873 began with the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke and Company. A+ Learning.

Was the panic of 1873 blamed on the republicans?


It followed the Panic of 1873?

it something that has to do with history

What industry employed the most workers in the Panic of 1873?

As the Panic of 1873 began to unfold, railroad companies employed the most people. Approximately 2 million jobs were in the railroad industry.

What was the name of the first black sheriff of hinds county in mississippi during Reconstruction Era of 1873?

The first black sheriff of Hinds County, Mississippi during the Reconstruction Era of 1873 was Peter Crosby. He served as sheriff from 1873 to 1877.

What result from the panic of 1874?

The things that happened after the panic of 1873 were the downfall of the Jay Cooke and Company in September 1973, and the Coinage act of 1873. Another thing that happened was the Great Railroad Strike in 1877.

What resulted from the panic of 1873?

Economic problems and depression around the world