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It created a war with Englan and America

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Q: How did the role of mercantilism change in North America after the 1763 Treaty of Paris?
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How did mercantilism contribute to the European colonization of North America?

Mercantilism was the idea behind the colonization of North America. Europe colonized in North America for profit.

How did the Treaty of Paris (1763) change the political map of north America?

i dont know buddy

How did the Reciprocity Treaty help bring prosperity to British North America?

The Reciprocity Treaty brought prosparity to British North America by

What is the basis for the economic theory of mercantilism that drove the exploration and settlement of North America by Europeans?

Mercantilism is based on the idea that a nation's power stems from its wealth, which encouraged the acquisition of natural resources and developing trade in North America.

What is the basis for the the economic theory of mercantilism that drove the exploration and settlement of North America by Europeans?

Mercantilism is based on the idea that a nation's power stems from its wealth, which encouraged the acquisition of natural resources and developing trade in North America.

What treaty gave Spain the right to north America?

treaty of brazilin

What treaty gave much of North America to British?

treaty of paris

What treaty gave much of North America to the British?

treaty of paris

What treaty officially ended French power in North America?

The Treaty Of Paris

What name was given to the trade between Europe and its colonies in north and south America?


What document marked the end of France as a power in North America?

The Treaty of Paris marked the end of France as a power in North America. This particular "Treaty of Paris" is also known as the Treaty of 1763, and it was signed in 1763 by Great Britain, France, and Spain, after Britain's victory in the Seven Years' War. Britain gained many of France's possessions in North America, which is why the treaty marked the end of France as a power in North America.

How did the oregon settlement and the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo change the map of north america?

They impregnated a turtle and people thought it was cool so they got to change the map