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Q: How did the townspeople and nomads in Arabia rely on each other?
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Life would have been bettter for nomads or townspeople in early Arabia?

Answer 1Life was likely better for nomads in early Arabia because of the prevalence of inter-tribal feuds. Many of the tribes in Arabia harbored harsh antagonism for one another and would engage each other in gang-fights and violent activities. Because of this, cities were often the sites of bloodbaths. Nomads were able to avoid this problem because they could move away from one another, allowing for increased peace. Also townspeople had to contend with whoever was the official ruler of a town and many Arabian leaders were barbaric in both disposition and action.Additionally, nomads had access to many rare goods since they moved quite frequently as opposed to city dwellers who could only acquire what was brought to them.Answer 2i think tat it will be better to live in the townspeople because it will be easier to move around & it will be safer , it will also ave more food and everything thank the nomadsnormads because they have better trading skills.yes i do.because it more protective.

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Early nomadic families and townspeople offered each other quite a few things. They would offer spices and other simple goods.

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Ghana and Arabia traded salt and gold because Ghana was low on salt.

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Miss Strangeworth deceives the townspeople by secretly sending them poison pen letters disguised as friendly and helpful notes. This creates suspicion and unease among the townspeople, leading them to doubt each other and question their relationships with one another.

What ways did steppe nomads and the people of neighboring settled societies interact?

The interaction between the steppe nomads and the settled societies were peaceful and friendly because they traded items and animals with each other. But, the nomads were tempted by the rich land of the settled peoples which led to invasions whenever the settled societies were weak and gave an advantage for the nomads to gain more plunder.

How did colonist educate their children?

Colonists set up public schools in each town. The townspeople took up collections to pay the teacher. The local townspeople also got together to build these schools.

How do Muslims bring peace to sa?

There is no such thing as "SA". If you mean Saudi Arabia, Muslims brought peace to Saudi Arabia by uniting the various Arab clans under one head preventing them from fighting with each other.

What dif Ghana and Arabia trade with each other?

Ghana and Arabia traded salt and gold because Ghana was low on salt.

What is the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel?

THEY ARE BOTH IN THE MIDDLE EAST - ASIA. The two countries are rather antagonistic towards each other.

How do people in Saudi Arabia greet each other?

By hugging side by side and kissing on the both the cheeks......and telling 'habbibi habbibi"

Do Israel and Saudi Arabia trade with each other?

No. Saudi Arabia absolutely refuses to perform any act of commerce with Israel (and used to boycott all companies that even do business with Israel, although this has been rescinded for impracticality).

Is Qatar an island?

No, the south is connected to Saudi Arabia.