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In the beginning telegrams, later a US Military officer would come to your door and deliver the messege in person.

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Q: How did the wives find out that their husband died in the Vietnam war?
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The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall is the list.

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Nine of them, the first - Khadijah, the favourite - Aishah in whose home he died. I will find the others and poast them here.

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What happens to your home if your husband died without ever putting your name on it?

If your husband had a will the property will pass according to the provisions in the will. If he died intestate, the property will pass according to the laws on intestacy in your state. You can find the law for your state at the link below.

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Wives who want to discuss Loving Sex practices,as well as illicit Sex Practices, I find to be the most interesting and intelligent Wives of all. They are the most Feminine of Females, all hot and juicy, and In love with their Husband, but curious about Sex in general, and their own Sex life in particular. I love them all!

Can you find out old Vietnam history is?

yes, by going to Vietnam and asking a historian that works in Vietnam

Your husband died is it ok to talk to him in the cemetery?

It certainly is OK. Many, many people talk to loved ones that have died and many find it a great comfort.