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The best way to straighten your hair, while doing minimal damage, is to make sure the straightener is hot, but not at the highest setting. The hotter it is, the more it damages your hair.

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Q: How do I straighten my hair with minimum damage?
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Is it better to air dry your hair then straighten it or blow dry your hair then straighten it?

It is better to let it air dry then straighten it, less damage to your hair

Is it safe to straighten your hair every day?

No, it can damage your hair.

Can you permanently straighten your hair and then do high lights?

Yes you can straighten your hair permanently but if you decide to diee your hair or highligth it could damage your hair, but i dont belive highlights would damage your hair as much as dying your hair would.

Is it bad if you straighten your hair when it's wet?

yes, it is it can cause damage to your hair. :)

Is it ok to straighten your hair after you've dyed it?

Yes definitely. That much heat may damage your hair but it is definitely okay to dry it and then straighten it.

Can you straighten your hair after coloring it?

no itl will damage your hair badly and could turn it a wrong colour

Do straightening irons damage hair?

If you straighten your hair everyday... yes it can damage your hair. so let your hair be natural for a few days before straightening again!

How do you straighten your hair good?

If you want to have perfectly straight hair, it's important that you use some kind of heat gel to insure minimum damage. Seperate your hair into this sections so that you can get around the whole lot. When you've straightened it completely, apply the heat gel again to ensure minimun damage ;)

What happens if you straighten your hair with a flat iron without wetdry on wet hair?

NEVER NEVER NEVER straighten your hair with wet hair, it can cause major damage. it needs to be completely dry before you do anything to it.

Do wet to dry hair straighteners really work?

First of all you shouldn't straighten your hair when it's wet. Because you could really burn and damage your hair. And if your thinking 'oh, I can just dry my hair with the blow dryer and then straighten your hair. Well, your wrong! If you did that you can really, really, really, damage your hair that way to. So, if I were you I would wait till my hair is at least almost dry, then straighten your hair but really don't do that continuously. But, if you really don't do that then your fine. Also if there are any things or hair stylers that say that well then they are stupid because that could really damage your so that is the answer to that question. ok? bye! =)Yes, they work really well!Well I straighten My hair every day and their is no damage to my hair

Can I straighten my toddlers curly hair?

Well, you see, if i had a toddler I most likely wouldn't straighten his/her hair. I mean if its only one time I guess so but I don't recommend it. You can accidentally burn the child or damage its natural curls. If you are going to straighten his/her hair then make sure that you use some sort of heat protector so that there wouldn't be any future damage to the child's hair.

Is it good to straight hairs when they are wet?

it depends on your hair straightener, some hair straightener can straighten your hair even if its fizzes because the water in your damp hair is evaporating.if you have a regular hair striaightener i suggest you dry your hair first then straighten it.