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Ralph and Jack's respect for each other is shown through their initial cooperation in establishing order and leadership on the island in "Lord of the Flies." However, as the story progresses, their respect deteriorates due to power struggles and conflicting ideologies. Ralph respects Jack's hunting abilities, while Jack admires Ralph's leadership qualities.

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Q: How do Ralph and jack show their respect for each other?
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Lord of the flies what effect does their time in the bathing pool have on Ralph and Jack?

They become closer friends afterwards

When did Ralph and jack begin to dislike each other?

Ralph and Jack never liked each other. Once they met and Jack wanted to take the power from Ralph there was instant friction between the two. It's was obviously Ralph's job to be chief and Jack just expected to get it instead of Ralph.

Why does Ralph respect jack more than piggy lord of the flies?

Ralph respects Jack more than Piggy because Jack embodies strength, charisma, and hunting skills that Ralph admires. Piggy, on the other hand, is often seen as weak, unathletic, and reliant on others for survival. Additionally, Ralph and Jack share a similar leadership style and natural authority, making it easier for Ralph to respect Jack.

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Ralph starts to accuse Jack of being a thief and they start to fight.

What do Jack an Ralph feel as they look at each other in the pool?

Jack and Ralph feel a sense of tension and rivalry as they look at each other in the pool. Their gazes convey their conflicting personalities and viewpoints, highlighting their power struggle and the growing divide between them.

What is the final straw in Ralph and jacks relationship?

their problems lead them to hate each other and jack trying to take the leadership of Ralph

In lord of the flies what are the reasons jack gives for Ralph is a poor chief?

Jack believes that Ralph is a poor chief because he is too focused on rules and order, rather than embracing the freedom and excitement of hunting and living like savages. Jack also feels that Ralph does not possess the strong leadership qualities needed to command the respect and loyalty of the other boys on the island.

What do Ralph and Jack feel as they look at each other in the pool?

To quote directly from the book... 'They looked at each other, baffled, in love and hate." I doubt that there are any homosexual inferences in Golding's choice of the word 'love.' I think that he was simply referring to the fact that each of the boys admired the other. Ralph admired Jack's self confidence and hunting skills but resented that Jack went off enjoying himself, hunting pigs, while Ralph was left virtually alone to build the much needed shelters. Jack admired Ralph's easy manner and popularity but he also resented the fact that Ralph was the leader when he felt that the position rightfully belonged to himself. The bafflement resulted simply from their inabilty to see each others viewpoints.

How is Ralph respectful in the book lord of the flies?

Ralph in "Lord of the Flies" shows respect by listening to others, valuing their input, and treating them fairly. He seeks consensus in decision-making and considers everyone's thoughts and opinions. Ralph also shows respect for rules, order, and the democratic process on the island.

Which three boys explore the island in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three main boys who explore the island in "Lord of the Flies." They play significant roles in the novel and each represents different aspects of human nature.

Is Jack older than Ralph in lord of the flies?

Yes, Jack is older than Ralph in "Lord of the Flies." Jack is described as being bigger and more commanding compared to the other boys on the island, including Ralph.

What is causing the friction between Ralph and Jack?

There is always an underlying conflict between Ralph and Jack, primarily on Jack's part. Jack has always been use to being in command of his choir and resents the fact that a group of children for whom he holds no regard or respect elected Ralph into a position of power which he coveted. Later as Ralph, aided only by Simon, attempts to build a third shelter for the use of all the boys he shows his own resentment towards Jack when he says... "They work for five minutes and then wander off or go hunting." Implying that while Jack his having fun hunting he is stuck doing routine and thankless but necessary tasks. The division becomes even wider after the signal fire is allowed to go out and Ralph begins to accept that Jack not only wants his position as chief but that Jack actually hates him too.