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They beat on the tree with sticks. They tried to pull their friends out by their feet. The started to build a fire at the base of the willow.

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Q: How do Sam and Frodo try to rescue Pippin and Merry from the willow tree?
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What qualities did Sam Pippin and Merry possess that make them suitable companions for Frodo on his journey?

They are loyal to Frodo. They are very obsrevant, for example they knew what Frodo was about to say when he was about to say that he was leaving. Also, even though they are afraid, they are still willing to go with Frodo on his journey, even though they knew that they will never come back. * Sorry for using 'they' instead of 'Sam', 'Pippin', or 'Merry' too much.

What did Boromir symbolize in The Fellowship of the Ring?

The strength and weakness of men. He is tempted by the ring, and tries to take it from Frodo. But also has the strength to let frodo go with it. He also sacrifices his life for merry and pippin.

How do Merry Pippin and Sam know that Frodo has been planning to leave the shire?

They were close to him, and knew that something was afoot, but not knowing what that was, they had Sam spy on him. (In the book) In the movies, they knew because Sam was roped into it without a choice by Gandalf, and Merry and Pipin knew only beause they ran into him, and desired to help when the saw that danger was following him.

Who are Gandalf's friends?

Frodo Baggins (hobbit) Samwise Gamgee (hobbit) Peregrin Took (hobbit) Meriadoc Brandybuck (hobbit) Gandalf the Grey (wizard) Aragorn, Son of Arathorn (man) Boromir from Gondor (man) Gimli, Son of Gloin (dwarf) Legolas from the Woodland Realm (elf)

Are Sam and Frodo cousins?

Merry Brandybuck and Frodo Baggins are distant cousins (second cousins once removed, in fact). Most of the hobbit families are distantly related. Frodo's mother was a Brandybuck. -sam-is-my-hero-

Related questions

Who is Pippin's cousin?

Frodo and Merry is too

What is Frodo's couson's name?

Frodo is a cousin to Bilbo, but was adopted by him and was his heir. He is also a cousin to Merry and Pippin.

Is pipinand mery in The Hobbit?

Merry and Pippin are not in The Hobbit. They appear in the Lord of the Rings as cousins of Bilbo and Frodo.

How many hobbits are there in the Fellowship of the Ring?

There are four hobbits in the Fellowship of the Ring: Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, and Pippin Took.

What qualities did Sam Pippin and Merry possess that make them suitable companions for Frodo on his journey?

They are loyal to Frodo. They are very obsrevant, for example they knew what Frodo was about to say when he was about to say that he was leaving. Also, even though they are afraid, they are still willing to go with Frodo on his journey, even though they knew that they will never come back. * Sorry for using 'they' instead of 'Sam', 'Pippin', or 'Merry' too much.

Lord of the Rings who set out on the quest with Frodo?

The group of people who set out from Rivendell with Frodo were; Sam, Merry, Pippin, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli and Gandalf.

Who was the fourth hobbit?

Frodo Baggins, Sam (Samwise) Gamgee, Merry (Meriadoc) Brandybuck, and Peregrin (Pippin) Took.

What did Boromir symbolize in The Fellowship of the Ring?

The strength and weakness of men. He is tempted by the ring, and tries to take it from Frodo. But also has the strength to let frodo go with it. He also sacrifices his life for merry and pippin.

What is Frodo's brother's name?

Frodo Baggins was an only child and did not have any brothers. Frodo Gardner, the eldest son of Samwise Gamgee and Rosie Cotton, had six brothers: Merry, Pippin, Hamfast, Bilbo, Robin, and Tolman (Tom).

What are the names of the people out of Lord of the Rings?

Frodo Baggins, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Gimli, Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, and Bilbo Baggins.

How many friends are in the fellowship in 'The Lord of the Rings'?

9, Frodo, Sam, Meriadoc (Merry), Peregrin (Pippin), Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir

Who are the characters in Lord of the Rings two towers?

Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, Merry, Pippin, and Gollum are the big ones.