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my hip is bone on bone, I was born with it, as I get older it is more painful.. Need hip surgery but have no insurance. Thinking of changing pain medication. What causes the pain in your groin that feels like a tight rubber band. and why to I have pain on the outside of my thigh and down past my knee?

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Q: How do Tendons in the hip and pelvic area affect pain.?
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Why is it that you have some serious pain in my lower pelvic area?

Its possible You could have a Pelvic infection.

What will help chronic pain in the stomach and pelvic area?

Asprin and pain killer

How do you differentiate pelvic inflammatory disease from yeast?

The signs and symptoms are nothing alike. A yeast infection typically causes skin irritation or itching in the genital area, but not pelvic pain or tenderness on exam. Pelvic inflammatory diseases causes pelvic pain, pain on palpation of the ovaries/tubes, and pain with cervical motion.

You have pain in your penis shaft testicles and pelvic area what could it be?

Sounds like prostatis

How can pelvic pain affect the infertility of women?

If the pain is due to a infection and it goes untreated it can lead to sterility. Tumors can also give pain. It's important to find out why she has pain.

What are some symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease?

There are various symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease, most notably pain around the lower abdomen and pelvic area. Pain during urination, irregular menstrual bleeding and discomfort during sexual intercourse are other potential symptoms.

What is tendonitis - symptoms?

It is problems with tendons and causes sharp pain in tendons

What is a pain upper left abdominal area close to ribs?

The abdomen is an anatomical area that is bounded by the lower margin of the ribs is he pelvic bone.

Is pain in the pelvic area in the eleventh week something to be concerned about There is no bleeding or any other problem signs. Pain has been here for five days.?

Is it in the pelvic (hips/pelvic bone/vaginal) area or in your lower ab area? If it is truly the pelvic region, then you shouldn't be concerned. You muscles and bones will stretch out to make room for baby and that can actually start very early in pregnancy. Try sleeping with a body pillow or a regular pillow between your knees and thighs to help aleviate the pain. If the pain is in your lower abdominal region, then you should let your doctor know. If could be something, it could be nothing. Also, if the pain is in your pelvic area, you can try taking some Tylenol (acetaminiphin) but I would ask your doc if it would be okay to take ibuprophin (Advil, Motrin) because it helps with aches and pains alot better.

What is the icd 9 code for chronic pelvic pain?

The ICD-9 code for chronic pelvic pain is 614,9. However for regular pelvic pain the ICD-9 code is 625,9. The pelvic pain that persists for a period of 6 months or more to be considered chronic while less than this duration is considered acute.

what cause pain in right sid, lwere pelvic soreness and light vaginal bleeding?

what causes pain in right side and peliv area and light vaginal bleeding

What does pelvic pain in women mean?

It is a pain in the pelvis area which usually arises from the reproductive organs of women such as uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and vagina. One must consult a gynecologist when experience pelvic pains to determine what cause for that condition.