

How do ants communicate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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They send complex chemical messages to each other. They also communicate through their antennas.

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15y ago

pheromones. just like humans

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Q: How do ants communicate?
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How do ants talk?

They communicate by talking to each other

What two ways do ants communicate?

Animals can communicate using both visual and verbal cues...they can also communicate chemically.

Why do ants touch when passing by each other?

by being stupid and get ontop of each other

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There is no way to measure an ant's IQ. Ants seem to be intelligent creatures because they do communicate with each other.

Research the social interaction between insects such as ants?

Ants are very social insects. Ants live in colonies. The ants actually communicate with each other effectively for the sake of survival while working together.

How do ants communicate with there antennas?

Their antennas touch and move so the other can understand.

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Ants communicate using body language.

Can ants laugh?

yes they can in their own special way

What funktion would be most harmed if you cut off an ants antenna?

Ants have antennae, used either to communicate with other ants of the colony and sense the environment or as a food tool.The ant (if it survived) would likely be unable to properly communicate with other ants and they would soon overpower and kill it as they would no longer trust this stranger in their colony.

What do ant's use their antennas For?

Ants smell with their antenna.

What do ants sound like?

Ants have no means of vocalizing the way cats, dogs and humans do. They communicate with each other primarily through pheromones - scent molecules. If ants make any sound at all, it's incidental to what they're doing, such as large carpenter ants chewing on wood, and you'd have to listen closely or use electronic amplification to be able to hear it.

When did edward owilson discover about ants?

Edward O Wilson was fascinated by creatures and communication. With this fascination, he discovered that ants communicate by using a chemical process involving pheromones.