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Different atoms making up different matter are what gives the matter its unique characteristics and behavior. The atoms will determine the hardness, color, texture, melting and boiling points, conductivity, magnetism, etc...

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Lewis Streich

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2y ago
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1w ago

Atoms determine the type of element that makes up matter, which in turn affects its characteristics such as density, boiling point, and reactivity. The arrangement of atoms in a substance also influences its behavior, such as whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas, and its ability to conduct electricity or react with other substances. Overall, the specific atoms present and how they are arranged define the unique properties and behavior of a particular material.

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Q: How do atoms that make up matter affect it's characteristics and behavior?
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How do the atoms that make up matter affect characteristics and behavior?

The type and arrangement of atoms in matter determine its characteristics and behavior. Different atoms have unique properties based on their atomic structure, which influences interactions with other atoms and molecules. The way atoms bond together, such as through covalent or ionic bonds, affects the overall properties of the substance they form.

How do the atoms that make up matter affects it's characteristics and behavior?

hi i really dont know

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What is the smallest unit of matter with unique characteristics?

That would be an atom. Atoms go down to protons, neutrons and electrons, but these do not have unique characteristics. So, the smallest particle with unique characteristics is an atom.

The chemical behavior of atoms results from interactions among their?

When atoms combine interactions occur between their electrons. In most cases they will share or give electrons to the other atoms.

Are atoms an example of matter?

Yes. Atoms are matter. All the matter you encounter on Earth is made of atoms.

How is the word 'chemistry' defined?

Chemistry is the natural science that studies the structure and behavior of matter at the microscopic scales of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.

Is the cyclotron used to create super heavy elements?

No, cyclotrons are not typically used to create super heavy elements. Super heavy elements are usually synthesized using particle accelerators like linear accelerators or heavy-ion accelerators. Cyclotrons are more commonly used for producing radioisotopes for medical imaging and research purposes.