

How do autotroph get food?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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They get their energry from the photons emitted by the sun (sunlight). These photons then go through a series of steps to undergo photosyntheses, which produces a sugar called Glucose,which is then used in all processes that use energy in the plant. Thus, the plant makes its own food (Glucose) from the sun. It also absorbs nutrients necessary for some processes via absorption through the roots. (this is for plants)

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15y ago

Autotrophs ("self-feeders") or producers make their own food using nonliving nutrients and energy they obtain from their environment. a. Most autotrophs are photosynthetic organisms-from oak trees to single-celled diatoms-obtaining their energy from sunlight. b. Some bacteria can obtain their energy from nonliving chemicals like hydrogen sulfide and are called chemosynthetic-some form the basis of ecosystems associated with deep-sea thermal vents.

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12y ago

Autotrophs produce food without consuming other organisms. Some autotrophs produce food from light by photosynthesis. Some autotrophs produce food from dissolved chemicals in their environments. The energy in chemical bonds fuels the organisms by chemosythesis. Chemosynthetic organisms are rarer than photosynthetic organisms (plants) and are found around volcanic vents in the ocean, in geyser basins and other places usually associated with volcanic activity.

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15y ago

autotrophs get there energy from the process of photosynethis which is the chemical reaction by which organisms transform light energy from the sun into stored chemical energy

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9y ago

Autotrophs are able to make their own food. They are able to obtain their food through a process that is called photosynthesis.

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it is an autotroph because it makes its own food.

What is one autotroph?

An Autotroph is a plant and uses photosynthesis to make food. They do not consume.

What do you call a plant that makes food for itself?

A plant that makes food for itself is an Autotroph

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they are autotroph autotrophs are organisms that produce there own food

Is a consumer a autotroph?

No. An autotroph makes it's own food so it is a producer.

How does autotroph gets its food?

well i think autotroph is where animals feed themselves by one means or another

Is bamboo an autotroph?

Yes, bamboo is an autotroph. Since it goes through the process of photosynthesis, and makes it own food, it is an autotroph.

How is energy transferred from the rays of the sun to an autotroph and then from an autotroph to a heterotroph?

the autotroph, or the organism that makes its own food, uses the sun's rays to produce its food through photosynthesis, and the an herbivorous heterothroph, or the plant eating organism that eats other organisms for food, comes and eats the autotroph.

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an?

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an autotroph (within a food chain, it is a producer).