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Q: How do charged objects interact with neutral objects?
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How do charged objects interact with each other differently from the way a charged object interacts with neutral objects?

Two objects that are similarly charged will repel, while two objects with opposite charges will attract. Moreover, a neutral object will attract either charges

What is general rule for for how charged objects interact?

what is the general rule for how charged objects interact

How charged objects react with neutral objects and same charged objects?

Charged objects don't have an effect on neutral objects, and repel objects with like charges.

How do neutral objects behave toward charged objects?

They do not react to charged particles.

What happens when charged objects placed near the neutral objects?

There will be an attractive interaction between the charged object and the neutral object.

2.Positively charged objects can only attract objects that are negatively charged?

Any charged object weather positively charged or negatively charged will have an attractive interaction with a neutral object. Neutral objects do not attract or repel each other.

How do charged objects affect neutral objects?

Objects with the same charge repel each other.

How will two positive charged objects interact?

Opposites attract

How do charged objects within an electric fields interact?

they will repel.

Is it true that charged objects don't have to be touching to interact with other charged objects?

Yes, it's true. They interact via gauge particles called photons, which are the force carriers for the electromagnetic force.

How do neutral objects behave when placed near charged objects?

They repel, same with two negatively charged objects

What involves the movement of electrons in neutral objects due to the electric field produced by charged objects?
