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Computers increase productivity with the rapid sharing and sorting of information. Computers take routing repetitive work out of the hands of employees. Computers also have a higher degree of accuracy.

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Q: How do computers increase productivity?
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Impact of computers on business and society?

Computers help people increase their productivity using automation. Automation allows employees to work without doing every little task associated with the job.

What is productivity deal?

A productivity deal is an agreement between an employer and employee. In this agreement, the employer commits to increase the pay rate with increase in productivity.

What is an increase in productivity?

An increase in productivity is when a person does something at a faster pace, and they get more done the faster they go.

What are advantages of computerised communication?

Communicating through computers increase productivity on a massive scale. An email can be sent to literally thousands of people as easily as sending it to one.

Why do you put data into the computer?

To increase productivity, communicate and collaborate data (including its changes), and to replicate data (preventing data loss). Data is not put into computers to increase security, as computers have the ability to easily leak data. You must take your own measures to prevent data leakage.

What is an aspect of multitasking?

One aspect of multitasking is the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This is true for both machines like computers and humans which greatly increase their productivity by multitasking.

How do you increase labor productivity?

You increase labor productivity through allowing incentives as bonus and medical care as well as percentage of the profit.

Do machines increase or decrease work?

they increase productivity but decrease jobs

How does technology affect productivity in an economy?

Usually, new technology will increase productivity in the economy. For example, if you replace a human in a factory with a robot that can work twice as quickly without breaks, productivity would increase.

What is the benefit of greater organization?

Increase in productivity

How can incentives increase worker productivity?

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