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Q: How do electrical cells produce an electric current?
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What are very long electrical cells called?

Because neurons are the only cells that can conduct electric current, answer to your question would be neurons.

A device that produces an electric current by converting chemicalenergy into electrical energy?

A chemical cell or strings of cells called a battery.

How do solar cells produce energy?

In short, the light (electromagnetic energy) shining on the solar cell is converted directly to electric charge (potential energy). The increase in the electric charge can promote the flow of electric current in an external circuit, in much the same way as an ordinary electrical battery would.

What supplies energy in an electric current?

Electric cells

How can the power of the sun be converted?

Photo-voltaic cells absorb solar radiation energy and produce direct current output. A number of these cells arranged as an array can produce a useful amount of electric power.

How can you use the sun as a source of energy?

Through photovoltaic cells to produce electric current directly, or by direct absorption to heat water

What do electric cells do?

convert chemical energy into electrical energy

How do electric eels really make electricity?

Electric eels have electric organs with electric-charged cells. This makes them capable of producing electrical shocks up to 600 volts. It uses its electrical charges for hunting, self-defense, and communication.

What are two parts of an electric current?

cells and switch

What kind of cells are used to turn sunlight into electric current?

Photovoltaic cells.

What type of electric current is produced by fuel cells and solar cells?


Do wet cells and a generator both produce direct current?

No wet cells only store current.