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because there starting there own business...

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

By paying tax

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Q: How do entrepreneurs play and important role in Australia's economy?
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What are the major contribution of entrepreneurs for today economic recession?

Entrepreneurs play an increasing role in the keeping the economy stable. They are small on an individual basis, but they have an additive effect when considered in aggregate.

What role does entrepreneurship play in the economy?

In the U.S economy entrepreneurs are businessmen; they create employment, pay taxes, most often than not they start something new in the market, which stimulates the economy.

What role does the consumer play in a free enterprise economy?

a consumerism play very important role in our economy. he create a demand for consumer good , and if he demand then only the goods will produced by producer or business man ,and we know very well that aggregate demand and supply is one of the important part of our economy ,so consumerism play very important role in economy.

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What role do entrepreneurs play in producing goods and services?

Entrepreneurs are innovators. They come up with new ideas for products or services.


Entrepreneurship is important because it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs, but also for related businesses. Entrepreneurs also help with innovation, where new and improved products enable new markets to be developed.

Why do central banks play an important role in a global economy?

they control the foreign currency reserves that are used for international trade

Why does carnival play a very important role in the economy of the virgin islands?

because help to increase turism and the island get more money

What role do entrepreneurs play in the economy?

Enterpreneurs are the risk takers, who take their own money (or borrowed money under which theyre liable) to invest in a business or idea. Without them, individual firms would not exist, in which case they would be run by the state (which is the ideology of a socialist system).

How do entrepreneurs contribute to the GDP of a country?

Entrepreneurs play a significant role in contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country through various means. Small Business Contribution: Small businesses, often led by entrepreneurs, are a vital part of the economy and contribute a substantial portion to the GDP. In the United States, small businesses account for 44 percent of economic activity, demonstrating their substantial contribution to the overall GDP. Job Creation: Entrepreneurship is a pivotal driver of job creation. By starting new businesses, entrepreneurs create new work opportunities, driving innovation and competition that encourages further job creation across various industries . Innovation and Competition: Entrepreneurs identify market needs and develop solutions through their products and services, promoting innovation and competition. This leads to the creation of new and improved products and services, which in turn contribute to economic growth and development . Production of Goods and Services: Entrepreneurs are directly involved in the production of goods and services in the economy, which has a direct impact on employment, revenue generation, and foreign exchange. Their activities affect the overall economy by producing the goods and services that contribute to the GDP . Women Entrepreneurs: Supporting women entrepreneurs can also have a significant impact on the GDP. Research suggests that if women and men participated equally as entrepreneurs, global GDP could rise by approximately 3% to 6%, boosting the global economy by $2.5 trillion to $5 trillion . In summary, entrepreneurs contribute to the GDP of a country through their role in small business activity, job creation, innovation, and the production of goods and services, with the potential for even greater impact when considering the support and inclusion of women entrepreneurs.

How do most governments play a role in the economy?

Answer They promote a stable economy.

Who was the English economist who believed that the government should play an important role in a nation's economy?

I wonder if you are thinking of John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946).