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The lungs of mammals would not work very well for a fish, because one breath underwater would fill them with fluid and make them useless. Nonetheless, fish need oxygen to breathe, too. In order to remove oxygen from the water, they rely on special organs called "gills." Gills are feathery organs full of blood vessels.

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8y ago
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14y ago

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away, Darth Vader genetically breeded a strange species of creatures who dwelled in water. They were titled 'fish' and they were to be his minions. When they reached adultery, he fired them off in a space podto earth. He kept one for himself, and it is today known as Jabba the Hut.

His pride and joy, though, was the beast known as Jaws. He gobbled up women in swimsuits, but little did they know he had a hidden camera inside his teeth, which fed back to Vader pictures he found most delectable.

So to this very day, all aquatic animals are spying, ppying, spying........

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13y ago

Bony fish, like your average pet goldfish, float because of their swim bladder, a balloon-like organ. As for cartilaginous fish, or sharks, sting rays, and other fish, they store oil in their liver that helps them stay floating.

Hope this helps!

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13y ago

Fish still need oxygen to live and they get their oxygen in the water. Every bubble is filled with oxygen. A fish that lives in the ocean will get oxygen from waves crashing and making oxygen, the oxygen stays in the water until a fish uses it. The fish filters the oxygen in through it's gills, leaving the water outside it's body.

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15y ago

By drinking the ocean and by burping out loud!

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12y ago

Their physiology automatically equalizes the pressure on the inside and outside of their bodies - hence, they feel no pressure at all.

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Q: How do fish survive the pressure of the ocean?
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They don't. Fish that live at a high depth stay there for as long as the live, as they would explode when pressure dropped. The same is true for fish that live high up in the ocean: they would implode when pressure rises.

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1.there is no sunlight have to survive the pressure 3.its cold 4.2,000 meters down 5.deepest part of th ocean 6.its a self-containing world with complex food

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