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Geologists classify volcanoes based on the type of material they are made of, such as lava flows, ash, and gases emitted. They also consider the shape and size of the volcano, as well as its eruptive history. These factors help categorize volcanoes into different types, such as shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes.

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Q: How do geologists classify a volcano made of these materials?
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What are scientist called is they study the earth and what is made of?

Scientists who study the Earth and what it is made of are called geologists. Geologists investigate the materials, processes, and history of the Earth's structure, composition, and natural resources. They examine rocks, minerals, fossils, and landforms to understand the planet's evolution and dynamics.

How composition and texture are used to classify rock?

mineral composition is the minerals that the rocks are made of texture refers to the grain size (sediments or interlocking crystals) of the different components of that rock

What do the minerals that a rock is made of determine?

The minerals in a rock determine its physical properties such as hardness, color, and texture. They also influence the rock's chemical composition and how it forms. Different minerals give rocks their unique characteristics and can help geologists identify and classify them.

What things are made from rocks or minerals?

Examples of items made from rocks or minerals include buildings made from granite or marble, jewelry made from gemstones like diamonds or emeralds, electronics containing components such as silicon or copper, and kitchenware made from materials like quartz or salt.

Who is a scientist who studies the earth and what it is made of?

A geologist studies the Earth's physical structure, substances, history, and processes. They analyze rocks, minerals, and fossils to understand the Earth's composition and formation. Geologists also study natural phenomena like earthquakes and volcanoes.

Related questions

What is a cinder volcano made of?

pyroclastic materials

What types of materials are volcano like Mount St. Helen's made of?

Mount St Helens is made up of andesitic and rhyolitic pyroclastic materials.

What materials are in a volcano?

Lava, or Magma as it is called before it reaches the surface is made out of molten rock.

What are scientist called is they study the earth and what is made of?

Scientists who study the Earth and what it is made of are called geologists. Geologists investigate the materials, processes, and history of the Earth's structure, composition, and natural resources. They examine rocks, minerals, fossils, and landforms to understand the planet's evolution and dynamics.

How can you make a volcanoes made out of recycled materials?

hello, to make a volcano out of recycled materials you can use a old lamp shade and papper machae when dry paint it. thanks :)

Is Mount Adams a shield volcano a composite volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

Mount Adams is classified as a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. This type of volcano is characterized by its steep, symmetrical cone shape, and is made up of layers of hardened lava, volcanic ash, and other volcanic materials.

How volcano is build and what are the materials?

A volcano is built through the accumulation of materials such as lava, ash, and rock fragments that are ejected during volcanic eruptions. The core of a volcano is made up of solidified magma, while the surrounding layers are built up over time as the volcano erupts and new materials are added. These materials include basaltic lava, pyroclastic rocks, and ash.

How composition and texture are used to classify rock?

mineral composition is the minerals that the rocks are made of texture refers to the grain size (sediments or interlocking crystals) of the different components of that rock

How much does a volcano weigh?

It is difficult to assign a specific weight to a volcano as it is made up of various materials such as rock, magma, and gases. The weight can vary depending on the size, type, and activity level of the volcano.

What best describes theater geologists study?

Geologists study the origins, physical history, and structure of earth.

What kind of volcano is the pelee volcano?

Mount Pelee is a stratovolcano, which is characterized by its steep-sided cone shape made up of layers of hardened volcanic ash, lava, and other volcanic materials. Stratovolcanoes are known for their explosive eruptions due to the high viscosity of the magma.

What is a marine incursion?

Is a made up term used by geologists.