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Glaciers and rivers carry eroded rock material to a place of deposition where the sediments can lithify into sedimentary rock.

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2d ago

Glaciers and rivers can erode existing rocks to create sediment. Over time, this sediment can be compacted and cemented together to form new sedimentary rocks. In addition, heat and pressure from tectonic processes can metamorphose existing rocks into new rock types.

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Q: How do glaciers and rivers make new rock types?
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How does glaciers and rivers form new rocks?

Glaciers and rivers transport eroded rock material (sediment), that can form new sedimentary rock after deposition.

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The process of weathered rock being moved is called erosion. Weathered rock can be moved by strong winds, rivers and runoff, or even glaciers.

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origins from rivers oceans glaciers and deposit type is clastic color is variable

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A rock's disposition refers to its physical characteristics, such as its shape, size, texture, and color. These attributes are determined by the rock's mineral composition and the environmental conditions in which it formed.

Rivers and glaciers can fragments of rock?

Rivers can transport rock fragments downstream through erosion and deposition, causing them to break into smaller pieces through abrasion. Glaciers can pick up rock fragments as they move across the landscape, carrying and depositing them as they melt, which can result in the fragmentation of the rocks due to the forces exerted during glacial movement.

Rivers and glaciers can do what to fragments of rock?

Rivers can transport rock fragments downstream, eroding them and smoothing their edges in the process. Glaciers can pluck and carry rock fragments as they flow, eventually depositing them as glacial till or moraines when the glacier melts.

What role do glaciers play in earths rock cycle?

Glaciers are an important part of the rock life cycle. The part they play is to break huge rock faces into smaller pieces, as well as to move rocks from one place to another, while grinding them into pebbles and sand.

Do different types of rock make different types of glass?

yes, different types of rock probably do make different types of glass

How are valleys formed by glaciers?

Valleys are formed by glaciers through a process called glacial erosion. As glaciers move, they pick up rocks and debris, which act as tools to scrape and carve the underlying bedrock. Over time, this erosion deepens and widens the valley, creating the distinctive U-shape commonly associated with glacial valleys.

Which rock is composed of materials that show the greatest variety of rock origins?

Metamorphic rocks are composed of materials that show the greatest variety of rock origins. This is because they form when pre-existing rocks undergo high heat and pressure, which can come from igneous, sedimentary, or even other metamorphic rocks. As a result, metamorphic rocks can contain a diverse range of mineral compositions and textures.

Are glaciers rock coverd in snow?

No. Glaciers are slowly moving masses of ice.