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There are different types of glial cells and they each have a separate function. You have astroglia, microglia and oligodendroglia. Some are for structural integrity, some for cleaning up debris and some are used to make myelin.

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Q: How do glial cells help the brain function?
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How many cells are in the brain?

There is about 160,000,000,000 cells in human brain. Half of the number are neurons, which are rensponsible for all the "thinking" functions. The other half are "glial cells", which help neurons with their activity.

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Yes. Glial cells are cells that "help and support" the neurons in various ways. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells (important for CSF) ect.. are all glial cells (search "glial cell" on wikipedia for more).

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As there are nerve cells in stomach linings, one would assume so. Schwann cells are glial cells that protect and help neurons and are found in the peripheral nervous system--all nerves outside the brain and spine. So although I've never studied a dogs stomach, it seems impossible for them not to have them. Axons need the insulation provided by the schwann cells to properly function.

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Does writing help your brain cells?

No. Your brain cells are still your brain cells no matter what. But, however, if you keep on wrighting and like practicing, you can get better at it.

What is the vegetable is good for the brain?

Proteins help to maintenance the brain cells in the brain.