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Greenhouses, sometimes called glasshouses, provide the right conditions for plants to grow for several reasons:

The transparent material allows sufficient natural light for photosynthesis during the summer months, while additional lighting gives a 'longer day' during the winter.

The greenhouse effect also happens in greenhouses. Short wave radiations entering the greenhouse becomes longer wave radiation as it reflects off surfaces. This longer wave radiation cannot leave as easily so the greenhouse heats up.

Burning fuels to raise the temperature when the external heat is too low also produces carbon dioxide and water vapour. the water vapor maintains a moist atmosphere and therefore reduces the loss of water by transpiration. The carbon dioxide is a raw material of photosynthesis.

Glasshouses also protect plants from things such as strong winds and heavy rain.

Also, growing plants in a hydroponic culture provides exactly the right balance of mineral ions for the specific crop being grown.

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11y ago
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11y ago

A greenhouse cane be used for growing plants. It can allow you to grow certain types of plants and crops all throughout the year regardless of the weather. It can also be used to control the growing environment of plants.

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9y ago

Greenhouses protect the environment by limiting the amount of carbon released into the air. They also enable plants to thrive and thus create a well balanced atmosphere for life in general.

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14y ago

greenhouses are useful because they help grow fruit and vegetables during winter

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12y ago

Plants are green so a GREENhouse would make sense for that, right? Yes, I know it would because I am right.

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Q: How do greenhouses protect the environment and natural resources?
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