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when they go, they gotta GO! they dont use a litterbox or anything, they just go! Sometimes when my hermit crab is nervous he pees! I think its hilarious! P.S the poop doesnt smell!

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Q: How do hermit crabs go to the bathroom?
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Do hermit crabs drink fresh water?

The kind of hermit crabs most people think of are Land Hermit Crabs. They live on land, and need at least enough water to submerge themselves. Land Hermit Crabs do need sea salt to keep their body chemistry balanced, and as such, need access to both salt and fresh water. Marine Hermit Crabs require a full saltwater aquarium to survive. Such tanks are elaborate, and should be researched thoroughly before purchase. Saltwater pets of all sorts are often regarded as difficult to care for.

What is the species of hermit crab?

there are many species of hermit crab which one do you mean?the common hermit crabs species is bernhardus

Where did hermit crabs come from?

Hermit crabs came from, tropical areas. They are used to oceans, so any place warm and hot and tropical, like the Bahamas.

What are the natural predators of land hermit crabs?


Can hermit crabs live without heat?

A hermit crab can go with out others but I is highly recommended. Hermit crabs are social animals and like to live together. They get lonely. In the wild hermit crabs live in colonies or clans.It can survive but hermit crabs are colony species, living in groups of hundreds of crabs. They do best with other crabs nearby. I suggest having a minimum of two or three. They can get very lonely.You can have one hermit crab though. But as the person above said, they can get lonely.User:Gab33Not really. For some months yes but if they go a long period of time without any other hermit crab contact they won't be doing so well. If they get lonely then its really not good for them. You really need another hermit crab.

Related questions

Why don't hermit crabs go to the bathroom?

Actually, they do. They go in their shells and scoop it out periodically. Awkward question...

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!

Do hermit crabs go through live birth or eggs?

Hermit crabs lay eggs in the ocean.

What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

How many hermit crabs is too many hermit crabs?

A lot

Are hermit crabs herbavores?

No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

Do Hermit Crabs Have Antennas?

Yes hermit crabs have antennas.

What Enemies Do Hermit Crabs Have?

fish and bigger hermit crabs

Are hermit crabs death?

No hermit crabs are small and friendly

What species of hermit crab is the most popular?

If you go to buy hermit crabs at a store, you're most likely getting purple pincher crabs (also called Caribbean Crabs)

What are the hermit crabs preditors?

sea birds, fish, octopuses, crabs, and other hermit crabs

Can hermit crabs kill moon crabs?

it deppends on how big the hermit crabs and the moon crabs are but if the hermit crab is bigger youv'e got your self a dead moon crab