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Humans walk on two legs by balancing themselves out, taking one step at a time.

Animals walk on four legs, with no need to balance out. Many animals can walk straight after birth.

its hard to explain but you just will your legs to move unless ur a paraplegic or quadraplegic

You put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door

you move your body and your brain automaticly tells your foot to move forward to avoid


The brain sends nerve cells to your legs telling you where and how to walk.

Humans walk with a motion known as a double pendulum movement. When we walk, one leg leaves the ground, swinging from the hip (the first pendulum). The foot then hits the ground by placing the heel first and rolls through to the toe. The process is then repeated - whilst one foot is on the ground, the other is swinging forward (second pendulum) in a way which means one foot is always in contact with the ground.

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human beings move because there body have specific tasks to complete and in order for these tasks to be completed we move thus we have the word movement

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Continue Learning about Movies & Television

What is the duration of Being Human film?

The duration of Being Human - film - is 2.03 hours.

Series 3 of Being Human?

Season 3 of Being human aired in the UK on the 23rd January 2011

Will the show being human have a fourth season?

yes being human does have fourth season and it will be cancelled after fourth season.

Is a human being a matter?


What enables human being to reproduce another human being?

Impregnation of the female by insertion of the erect male organ and the emission of semen fluid.

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No because there are many joints in human being which do not move like the pne in skull

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Muscles! Tendons connect our muscles to our bones, and the muscles pull our bones in different motions so we can move!

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yes a football is faster then child or any other human being. because the football has more energy and air then a human does.

Define human movement?

its when you move as a human ha haim funny its when you move as a human ha haim funny

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