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Q: How do i tell a guy we shouldn't see each other anymore?
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How do you tell your boyfriend you don't really like them without crushing them?

ok so i was dumped and so what you have to do is just tell him a lie like "my parents think that we shouldnt go out anymore im sorry" or yeah just good luck then :)

If a guy has a girlfriend but says he doesnt like her anymore and tries to get rid of her and likes you what do you do?

Go to the guy and tell him to tell his girlfriend that he has a crush on you and that he thinks they should get over each other.

How do you no when to end a relationship?

You should break up when you haven't been talking to each other, or seeing each other for a while. Or if you haven't really been connecting as much lately. If you decide to breakup, then tell him/her about why you don't want to be together anymore.

How can you tell that you and your boyfriend are fading away from each other?

losing interest..aren't so close anymore..bored of each other...what u guys felt before isn't the same feeling you guys soo feel right now

How do you tell some one you don't like them?

Well you can say this. Hey I don't think we can talk to each other anymore?! or Hey will you get mad if i said I don't like you?! Shelby67GT

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Try and speak with him and tell him you want to get by this awkwardness and hopefully be able to leave all that behind you both to be friends again.

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Meerkats tell each other apart with smell and dominant

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They are embarrassed to tell each other because they don't know if they will get laughed at or humiliated.

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tell her about your problems and tell her that if she doesnt controll that that u wont hang out with her anymore

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Go to the doctors, they should tell you what you should do, and what you shouldnt.

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dont tell your best thing anything. If you do you will lose that friendship forever. I would just tell the person that is cheating to dump his girlfriend so you dont have to worry about it anymore

Why did the guy you went out with like 8 times seemed to chicken out when you both liked each other and what should you do if he does not talk to you anymore?

i would try to talk to him and tell him its ok to be afraid and tell him,"if u need to slow down a little then we can ill be there for you."